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"Salir de la sociedad de crecimiento es salir de las dinámicas de desigualdad"

· "La necesidad de romper con el crecimiento, la ideología del crecimiento y la sociedad del crecimiento" es la base de la teoría del decrecimiento, de la que Serge Latouche es uno de sus impulsores.
Serge Latouche
Entrevista a Serge Latouche
Profesor de la Univerisdad de París XI

DIAGONAL: ¿Qué relación hay entre la idea de decrecimiento y la crítica del concepto de desarrollo?
SERGE LATOUCHE: ‘Desarrollo’ y ‘crecimiento’ son dos palabras que suelen utilizarse indistintamente, aunque existan matices. Generalmente, cuando hablamos de ‘desarrollo’ pensamos en los países del Sur, mientras que cuando hablamos de ’crecimiento’ nos referimos más bien a los países del Norte, pero en cualquier caso es siempre la misma lógica de la acumulación, de la utilidad.

D.: En un contexto de crisis, la palabra ‘decrecimiento’ puede estar asociada a la pérdida de empleos.
S.L.: Es cierto, pero es al contrario. El decrecimiento, a diferencia del crecimiento negativo o de la crisis, consiste precisamente en salir de esa lógica que condena, de forma obligatoria, a destruir el planeta para crear empleos. A través del decrecimiento, al contrario, crearíamos empleos salvando al planeta; no sólo porque lo reparamos, sino también porque al reducir nuestro consumo, tendremos que producir menos, y teniendo que producir menos, tendremos que trabajar menos. Así, trabajamos menos, pero trabajamos todos. Lo primero que tenemos que repartir es el trabajo, frente al sistema totalmente absurdo en el que hoy vivimos, en el que incluso en Francia hemos suprimido las 35 horas y los trabajadores hacen 40, 50 o incluso 60 horas, mientras que otras personas que querrían trabajar un poco, no pueden hacerlo. Por otra parte, otras propuestas del decrecimiento, como el regreso a una agricultura tradicional y ecológica conllevará la creación de millones de empleos en este sector. La utilización de energías renovables también los creará, al igual que el sector de la reparación y del reciclaje. Algunos incluso piensan que llegaremos a una situación invertida en la que existirán demasiados empleos y faltará mano de obra, porque evidentemente, al no utilizar más el extraordinario potencial energético del petróleo (no hay que olvidar que un bidón de 30 litros de petróleo es el equivalente del trabajo de un obrero durante cinco años), por lo tanto, si ya no nos queda petróleo habrá que trabajar más. Pero tampoco tendremos que trabajar mucho más, porque reduciremos nuestras necesidades, las cuales trataremos de satisfacer sin trabajar demasiado porque también es muy importante no trabajar demasiado. Trabajar demasiado es muy malo.
Leer más...

[Más info...]
- Teoría del decrecimiento. ¿Una alternativa al capitalismo?
- A Favor del Decrecimiento Económico - Raúl García Durán
- "Vamos a crear modelos de sociedad autogestionada"
- "Viviremos de acuerdo con las necesidades, no con los deseos"

2012 Earth Timelines and the Secret Mars Agenda

· 2012 and the Ancient Game: Venus–Sophia and Recruitment to Mars.
by Laura Magdalene Eisenhower


Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Agent X very much thought that the people he was dealing with were good guys and Puthoff was his hero, he would tell me, because of the zero point energy, remote viewing stuff he was involved in. He tried to get me excited, saying that we had a chance to escape the disaster. It just did not sit well with me, but he wouldn't talk further, and I just hoped it would all fade away as our love would become much more important. At this time I had no idea the power they had over him, or that they were even using anything on him to keep him as an agent and almost a servant to their mission. I was blinded by love too, and I just wanted to not think about it till it came up again. I later found out that they had sent him to find me.
I told him about my friend Ki' Lia and the joint work we were doing to create Goddess Consciousness and also coming up with global strategies and visions of the future with many projects in the works, including celebrations to bring about a real Awakening to All. I told him about her education and he was very impressed. He wanted to talk with her and so they begin a dialogue. There were ideas about her role and mine related to the Mars mission that we were told, but it is only vague to me because I had little interest.
[Here, LME's 2-hour radio interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre...]

[and also...]

· My recruitment into a classified project involving Time & Quantum Access Technologies, And Gaia’s urgent call for Disclosure.
by Ki’ Lia


Ki’ Lia
Ki’ Lia
This is a glimpse into a personal experience of how a few years ago I, Ki’ Lia, got recruited into an extremely dangerous mission to Mars, and my strange and profound encounter with secret society agents and their use of time and quantum access technologies to manipulate our collective evolution.
This is a revelation about how government agencies currently have been establishing Mars as a survival colony and how the widely-prophesied date of 2012 has been seen as diverging into two major timelines, either catastrophe or transcendence.

[More info...]
- Physicist Discovers How to Teleport Energy
- The Beginning of the Sixth Night - Nov. 8, 2009
- The Anderson Institute
- Two whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials
- Relativistic Relativity
- Australian scientists close to solving mystery of teleportation

Is the US a police state?

The United States is showing evidence of becoming a police state. The US is continuing a Bush policy of being a police state, the case of Aafia Sidduqi is a prime example. The US now has a list of Americans that the country can now murder abroad if they are fraternizing with terror groups. Paul Craig Roberts says that all of this points to a sign that the United States has become a police state.

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Moon Lake - JAXA/NHK

[...or, it could very well be a 'dark surface lid' done up by JAXA/NHK to cover-up whatever there might be in the bottom of -yet another- 'geometric' crater... About craters, how is it that so many craters look so perfectly round? The impact trajectories can't all be perpendicular to the surface... which is the only impact trajectory that would leave a 'round' crater -and statistically absurdly improbable! All the others (non-perpendicular, which is to say: highly probable) would leave asymmetrical craters to various degrees: more material being 'bulldozed' -as well as ejected debris- in the direction of the trajectory of impact. But these are the rare kind... 'true impact craters'; and the perfectly round ones (the majority!), well... they have to be something else altogether... -Occam's Razor. And let's not start on the -not so rare- 'hexagon shape' craters... like this one!]