Stop 'Monsantosizing' Food, Seeds and Animals!
The undersigned individuals, organisations and institutions call on governments and patent offices to stop this worrying development and to revise existing patent regulations. The patent regulations in the EU, US and in many other countries, as well as the WTO Trips Agreement, urgently need to be reviewed in order to stop the monopolisation and corporate control of the world’s genetic resources. This review should lead to a regulation that guarantees the right to food and a prohibition of patents on plants and farm animals.
Die unterzeichnenden Personen, Organisationen und Institutionen appellieren an die Regierungen und Patentämter, die bestehenden Regeln im Patentrecht zu überprüfen. Die Patentgesetze der EU, der USA und vielen anderen Regionen müssen verändert werden, um die fortschreitende Monopolisierung und die weltweite Kontrolle der genetischen Ressourcen durch wenige große internationale Konzerne zu verhindern. Durch neue Regelungen soll das Recht auf Nahrung gestärkt und Patente auf Pflanzen und landwirtschaftliche Nutztiere verboten werden.
Les personnes, organisations et institutions soussignées en appellent aux gouvernements et aux offices de brevets à mettre le haro sur ce développement des plus inquiétants et à revoir la législation en vigueur sur les brevets. Les règlementations sur les brevets de l’UE, des USA et de nombreux autres pays devraient être revues de suite afin d’arrêter la monopolisation et la mainmise des entreprises sur les ressources génétiques mondiales. Cette révision devrait poursuivre l’objectif de garantir le droit à l’alimentation et d’interdire les brevets sur les plantes et les animaux de rente.
Las abajo firmantes personas, organizaciones e instituciones lanzan un llamamiento a los gobiernos y a las oficinas de patentes para poner coto a este desarrollo preocupante y para que se revisen las regulaciones sobre patentes existentes. Las regulaciones sobre patentes de la UE, los EE.UU. y muchos otros países, así como también los así llamados Acuerdos Trips de la OMC deben ser revisados con urgencia para poner coto a la monopolización y al control empresarial de los recursos genéticos del mundo. Esta revisión debería conducir a una regulación que garantice el derecho a la alimentación y la prohibición de patentes sobre plantas y animales de la granja.
DARPA's Defense Sciences Office: Programs[*]
[* ...these programs deal in incredible sciences, technologies and approaches. Take a look (For descriptions of the different programs, hit the links) ...and these are just the ones DARPA's showing us. Think of the 'secret programs'...]
http://www.darpa.mil/dso/programsexp.htm#z- Accelerated Insertion of Materials (D-3D)
- Accelerated Learning
- Accelerated Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals
- Armor Challenge
- Blood Pharming
- Chemical Communications
- Chemical Robots
- Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System
- Compact Directional Neutron Source
- DARPA Initiative in Titanium
- Deep Bleeder Acoustic Coagulation
- Discovery and Exploitation of Structure in Algorithms
- Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies
- Education Dominance
- Engineered Bio-Molecular Nano-Devices/Systems
- Feedback Regulated Automated Molecular Release
- Focus Areas in Theoretical Mathematics
- Fracture Putty
- Fundamental Laws of Biology
- Geospatial Representation and Analysis
- Guided BEC Interferometry
- Hardwire® DARPA Armor
- High-Performance, Corrosion-Resistant Materials
- Human-Assisted Neural Devices
- Hyperspectral Radiography Sources
- Instant Fire Suppression
- Integrated High Energy Dense Capacitors
- Long-Term Storage of Blood Products
- Micro Power Sources
- Mobile Integrated Sustainable Energy Recovery
- Multifunctional Surface Systems
- Nano Air Vehicle
- Nano-Composite Optical Ceramic
- Naval Advanced Amorphous Coatings
- Negative Index Materials
- Neovision
- Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysts
- Next Generation Super Carbon Fiber
- Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation
- Optical Lattice Emulator
- PowerSwim
- Precision Inertial Navigation Systems
- Predicting Health and Disease
- Predicting Real Optimized Materials
- Preventing Violent Explosive Neurologic Trauma
- Prognosis
- Programmable Matter
- Protein Design Processes
- Reactive Material Structures
- RealNose
- RealWorld
- Restorative Injury Repair
- Revolutionizing Prosthetics
- Robust Portable Power
- Sensor Topology for Minimal Planning
- Slowing, Storing and Processing Light
- Stealthy, Persistent, Perch and Stare
- Structural Amorphous Metals
- Surviving Blood Loss
- Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics
- Tactical Underwater Navigation
- Topologically Controlled Lightweight Armor
- Trauma Pod
- Wasp
- Z-Man
police state,
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