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Beyond space and time: Fractals, hyperspace and more

We don't have any trouble coping with three dimensions – or four at a pinch. The 3D world of solid objects and limitless space is something we accept with scarcely a second thought. Time, the fourth dimension, gets a little trickier. But it's when we start to explore worlds that embody more – or indeed fewer – dimensions that things get really tough.
These exotic worlds might be daunting, but they matter. String theory, our best guess yet at a theory of everything, doesn't seem to work with fewer than 10 dimensions. Some strange and useful properties of solids, such as superconductivity, are best explained using theories in two, one or even no dimensions at all.
Prepare your mind for boggling as we explore the how, why and where of dimensions. [Click on the images...]

0D - On the dot
Surely, with no dimensions there's no room for anything,
so a 0D space must amount to nothing at all –mustn't it?

1D - Walk the line

Add one dimension, and physics starts to look a little familiar.

1.5D - Fractal landscapes

Welcome to the irregular landscapes between the familiar
worlds of one, two and three dimensions.

2D - Vistas of flatland

Physics in one dimension is too simple to be satisfying,
and three dimensions are complicated and messy.
Two-dimensional "flatland" is just right.

3D - We're here because we're here?

Flatland and multi-dimensional hyperspace make fine playgrounds for
the mind, but our bodies seem stuck in a space of three dimensions.

4D - Time, the great deceiver

Space consists of three dimensions.
Time, we are told, is also a dimension.
So how come it is so different to the others?

5D - Into the unseen

By adding a fifth dimension to space-time,
it is possible to show that gravity and electromagnetism
are two aspects of one and the same force.

6D - Two-timing

Whenever physicists invoke extra dimensions,
they always seem to mean the space kind.
Why can't we have more time?

8D - Surfer's paradise

Eight dimensions is a rarefied space that is home to the octonions,
"the crazy old uncle nobody lets out of the attic".

10D - String country

Ten dimensions, and we finally reach the fabled land of string theory.
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Source Code for Skype Spying Trojan in The Wild

Swiss programmer Ruben Unteregger who has been reportedly working for a Swiss company ERA IT Solutions responsible for coding government sponsored spyware, has released the source code of a trojan horse that injects code into the Skype process in order to convert the incoming and outgoing voice data into an encrypted MP3 available at the disposal of the attacker.
Here’s how the trojan, currently detected as Trojan.Peskyspy, works:
"When the Trojan is executed, it injects a thread into the Skype process and hooks a number of API calls, allowing it to intercept all PCM audio data going between the Skype process and underlying audio devices. Note: Since the Trojan listens to the data coming to and from the audio devices, it gathers the audio independently of any application-specific protocols or encryption applied by Skype when it passes voice data at the network level."
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How We Support Our False Beliefs

In a study published in the most recent issue of the journal Sociological Inquiry, sociologists from four major research institutions focus on one of the most curious aspects of the 2004 presidential election: the strength and resilience of the belief among many Americans that Saddam Hussein was linked to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
The study, "There Must Be a Reason: Osama, Saddam and Inferred Justification" calls such unsubstantiated beliefs "a serious challenge to democratic theory and practice" and considers how and why it was maintained by so many voters for so long in the absence of supporting evidence.
Co-author Steven Hoffman, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of sociology at the University at Buffalo, says, "Our data shows substantial support for a cognitive theory known as 'motivated reasoning,' which suggests that rather than search rationally for information that either confirms or disconfirms a particular belief, people actually seek out information that confirms what they already believe.
"In fact," he says, "for the most part people completely ignore contrary information.
"The study demonstrates voters' ability to develop elaborate rationalizations based on faulty information," he explains.
The study addresses what it refers to as a "serious challenge to democratic theory and practice that results when citizens with incorrect information cannot form appropriate preferences or evaluate the preferences of others."
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The Sovereign Independent



Mission Statement

Through our network of independent local Truth Groups, we will ensure that all citizens are fully informed about this agenda and what it portends for Ireland and the rest of the world, and we will mobilise to impede and defeat non-violently those pursuing it. We will work to replace it with strengthened legal, moral and democratic processes which will ensure the well-being of all citizens and the development of a healthy society for the future.
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Una nave para salvar la Tierra

Tal y como suena. Un equipo de ingenieros británicos ha diseñado una nave capaz, según dicen, de desviar de su trayectoria un asteroide en ruta de colisión con la Tierra. El invento se llama "tractor de gravedad" (gravity tractor) y, tal y como su nombre indica, está pensado para "remolcar" al destructor y desviarlo lo suficiente como para que se pierda en el espacio antes de alcanzar su objetivo. Eso sí, para que funcione habría que lanzarlo varios años antes de la fecha prevista para el impacto.
Los científicos, que han hecho públicos los detalles de su proyecto apenas unas semanas después de que un gran cuerpo chocara contra Júpiter, están convencidos de que es solo cuestión de tiempo que algo parecido suceda también en la Tierra. La propia NASA está tan preocupada al respecto que mantiene activo un costoso programa de monitorización del espacio que localiza y vigila cualquier objeto que pueda representar un peligro para nuestro mundo.
Y para que no quede duda de que los planes para construir la nave van en serio, los autores del proyecto han tenido en cuenta incluso el hecho de que antes de llevarlo a cabo será necesario llegar a un consenso internacional y vencer "toda clase de dificultades políticas". Especialmente en el caso de que alguien diseñara la misión "sólo para modificar el punto de colisión, de uno a otro país"...
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El negocio de la psiquiatría y los psicotrópicos

En estos tiempos en que nos quejamos de una sociedad en decadencia, de una sociedad enferma llena de crímenes, injusticias, suicidios, drogas, abuso y corrupción, existen miles de teorías sobre las posibles causas de estos males sociales, y son tan variadas como maléficas. Sin embargo las peores causas, y sin duda las más peligrosas son las que no conocemos o son lo suficientemente enmascaradas para controlar a una sociedad engañada. Éste es el caso de la psiquiatría, y la industria farmacéutica asociada. Extorsión en nombre de la salud mental, un fraude gigantesco a base de mentiras y engaños cuyo costo real no se traduce sólo en los millones de dólares gastados, si no en vidas humanas.


Bill Maher's take on the current state of world religion.

[Via OsÑaki. Salud!]

Scientists Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine

Up to a third of US nurses will say no to the swine flu jab because of concerns over its safety, a poll has found. NHS workers are first in line for the vaccine, but a survey of 1,500 nurses found many will reject it. One told the magazine: 'I would not be willing to put myself at risk of unknown long-term effects to facilitate a short-term solution.' Another added: 'I have yet to be convinced there is a genuine health risk and it's not just Government propaganda.'

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El Gobierno de España amplía la reserva de vacunas de la gripe A al 60% de la población

· Los grupos de riesgo que serán inmunizados son embarazadas, enfermos crónicos desde seis meses y profesionales sanitarios y de servicios esenciales.
· Quedan excluidos de inmunización los menores de 14 años que no sufran enfermedades crónicas.
· No se retrasará el inicio del curso escolar.

El Gobierno ha ampliado del 40 al 60 por ciento de la población la reserva de vacunas contra la gripe A, aunque de momento sólo se vacunará a las embarazadas, los enfermos crónicos, el personal sanitario y el de servicios esenciales, como Fuerzas de Seguridad del Estado, Bomberos y Protección Civil.
La ministra ha explicado que las autoridades europeas consideran que no hay las "garantías de seguridad" necesarias con respecto a la nueva vacuna para incluir a los niños en los grupos de riesgo. No obstante, ha hecho hincapié en que, según vaya evolucionando el virus, se podría incluir a los menores junto con otros colectivos.
Listado de enfermedades crónicas en las que está indicada la vacunación de la gripe A:
- Displasia bronco-pulmonar, la fibrosis quística y el asma moderado-grave persistente.
- Diabetes mellitus tipo I y tipo II con tratamiento farmacológico.
- Insuficiencia renal moderada-grave.
- Hemoglobinopatías y anemias moderadas-graves.
- Asplenia (ausencia de bazo).
- Enfermedad hepática crónica avanzada.
- Enfermedades neuromusculares graves.
- Pacientes con inmunosupresión (incluida la originada por infección por VIH o por fármacos o en los receptores de trasplantes). Aquí entran enfermos de cáncer tratados con quimioterápicos.
- Obesidad mórbida (índice de masa corporal igual o superior a 40).
- Niños y niñas y adolescentes, menores de 18 años que reciben tratamiento prolongado con ácido acetilsalicílico, por la posibilidad de desarrollar un síndrome de Reye.
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¿Qué se esconde detrás de la gripe porcina?
¿Por qué la insistencia?