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La insoportable sociedad vigilada

www.elperiodico.com - Miedo
por Lolita Bosch
Me pregunta una amiga que nunca había visto un metro: «¿No os da miedo que alguien caiga a las vías? ¿O que lo empujen? Deberían poner unas vallas que solo se abrieran frente a las puertas del convoy cuando llega». «Ya estamos al tanto», le digo yo. Y ella me dice: «No, no, por algún chalado que quiera haceros daño». Y pienso en un viaje que hice a Londres. En las estaciones de metro había unos carteles con un ojo que decían: «Si ves algo sospechoso, no dudes de ti, duda de los demás y denuncia». Cuando pienso en eso tengo más miedo de pensar dónde iremos a parar que de lo que nos pueda ocurrir. Estar más o menos en riesgo es ley de vida. Extremar el miedo que debemos darnos los unos a los otros es una paranoia y una forma de dominación. Y más que sentirnos seguros bajo este modelo opresivo, deberíamos oponernos a él. Deberíamos resistirnos a la terrible propaganda que se hace de la protección y vivir como si los demás también fueran nosotros. No porque no pueda pasarnos algo malo, sino porque generar miedo es la peor forma de evitarlo.

Hacerlo es una forma de dividirnos por razas, clases sociales o creencias, que es injusta y totalitaria. No deberíamos caer en eso. Generar miedo es la primera estrategia de un Estado fascista para hacernos creer que necesitamos extrema vigilancia de las fuerzas del orden. Y eso puede avalar cualquier cosa. La historia y la realidad nos lo han demostrado a menudo. No es que no sean necesarias las fueras del orden, investigaciones o protección. Pero los demás no son tan distintos a mí como quieren hacerme creer. Sean quienes sean los demás. La serie Lost (Perdidos) es una buena crítica de esta paranoia. Cuenta la historia de un grupo de supervivientes de un accidente de avión que intentan sobrevivir en una isla en que creen que están solos hasta que descubren rastros humanos. Esos a quienes no conocen reciben el nombre de los otros y se convierten en sus enemigos. Eso les lleva a tener más miedo del que tenían.
Sin embargo, nosotros no vivimos en ninguna situación tan histérica ni tan desesperada. Es mentira, aunque quieran hacérnoslo creer. Tenemos que ser valientes para resistir. Esta sí es una forma sensata de defendernos.
[Fuente: www.elperiodico.com]

New World Order Fan Club

Ever Dream of THIS MAN?

Every night throughout the world hundreds of people dream about this face.
thisman.org - THIS MAN
In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. In more than one occasion that man has given her advice on her private life. The woman swears she has never met the man in her life.
That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist's desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams. He also claims he has never seen that man in his waking life.
The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as THIS MAN.
From January 2006 until today, at least 2000 people have claimed they have seen this man in their dreams, in many cities all over the world: Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, New Dehli, Moscow etc.
At the moment there is no ascertained relation or common trait among the people that have dreamed of seeing this man. Moreover, no living man has ever been recognized as resembling the man of the portrait by the people who have seen this man in their dreams.
The aim of this website is:
- to help those who have seen this man in their dreams and to foster communication among them;
- to understand who this man is and why he appears in an apparently pattern-less array of situations in the dreams of such diverse human subjects.
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GFL SaLuSa - 10.30.2009

'Very Active' UFO Pennsylvania - 10.11.2009

Control of Humanity - Michael Tsarion

Vaccine Exemption Forms

www.unhinderedliving.com - Vaccine Exemption Forms
[Click on image above to see forms...]
At the present time, not every state has their forms online. The ones I have found are listed here. If your states forms are NOT online, but you have a paper copy of them, please send me an original copy so I can put the form online here, providing there is not a copyright printed on the page. Even if there is a copyright, I would still like to have an original copy of each state's form for reference purposes. Send to P.O. Box 6562, Lawton, Oklahoma, 73506-0562.
If you need legal assistance in regards to anything pertaining to vaccination exemptions, vaccine injury, etc., please contact the Vaccine Exemption Alliance.

Benjamin Fulford Blog -11.02.2009

· Chaos continues with 103 senior bankers murdered and over 1000 arrested.
The cabal that has controlled finance is fighting a desperate rear-guard action as the net continues to close around it. The death toll has now reached 103 bankers, most of them killed by the Bush Nazi cabal in order to silence them. Jeffry Picower, the Madoff associate found drowned in his pool, was murdered by the cabal because he was a link between the Madoff funds and bribed politicians in Washington D.C., according to MI6. He was held under water by operatives using rubber gloves in order to leave no evidence of foul play.
Meanwhile the backers of the new banking system have arrested over 1000 bankers and charged them with fraud. Now that the October 27th deadline has past, the arrests will accelerate over the coming weeks and soon the members of the Cabal will have to start killing each other as they desperately try to shake off the investigative dragnet.
[Source: benjaminfulford.typepad.com]

[And to corroborate this...]
These Are Dead Bankers
www.shadowtraders.com - Dead Banker Redux
UPDATED: 10.03.2009
These are bankers, financiers, hedge fund managers and a US congressman, who have all died under suspicious circumstances since the market took a dive.
Andrei Kozlov, Central Banker - http://tw5.us/LK
Seth Tobias, CNBC Contributer and Hedge Fund Mgr. - http://tw5.us/LJ
Paul Gillmore, US Congressman - http://tw5.us/LI
Oleg Zhukovsky, Hedge Fund Mgr. - http://tw5.us/LL
Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, Hedge Fund Mgr. - http://tw5.us/LM
Michael Klein, Hedge Fund Mgr. - http://tw5.us/LN
Peter Wuffli, Hedge Fund Mgr. - http://tw5.us/LO
Kirk Wright, Hedge Fund Mgr. - http://tw5.us/LP
Alex Widmer, CEO Bank of Switzerland - http://tw5.us/LQ
Adolph Merckle, German Financier - http://tw5.us/LR
Kirk Stephenson, Wall Street Banker - http://tw5.us/LS
David Kellerman, FreddieMac CFO - http://tw5.us/L8
William Parente, NY Tax Attorney (+Wife and 2 Children) - http://tw5.us/Pf
Richard Egan, Co-Founder EMC - http://bit.ly/rD1zb
Anjool Malde, Deutsche Bank Equity Sales - http://bit.ly/6nboj
Finn Casperson, Former Head of Beneficial - http://bit.ly/wY84B
Danny Pang, Newport Beach Financier - http://bit.ly/RYTxK
James MacDonald, Rockefeller CEO - http://bit.ly/voiwm
Chris Kelly, Blagojevich Fundraiser - http://bit.ly/gq6uG
James Vellanti, JNF Asset Management LLC - http://bit.ly/12CvAv

[Source: r3publican.wordpress.com]
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