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British Government secretly studies crop circles & UFOs


[Crop formation at The Ridgeway-nr Averbury, Wiltshire. Reported on April 14th, 2009. Photo by Lucy Pringle.]

At a conference in the Washington DC metropolitian area, famed crop circle researcher Colin Andrews revealed that the UK government has covered up the extent of official and Royal family interest in the crop circle phenomenon. There were also efforts to suppress any investigation into a connection between UFOs and crop circles. Finally, Andrews revealed how the 1987 crash of a British Harrier jet was caused by it passing through an unknown energy field created by crop circles. While the British government has released various files concerning its investigations of the UFO phenomenon, it has not released files showing the extensive investigations it has conducted on the crop circle phenomenon.

Andrews was presenting at the 2009 X-Conference which has brought together over 30 researchers and activists interested in the policy implications of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Presenting on the first day of the conference located in the Washington metropolitan region, Andrews said he was replying to a number of mistaken claims in an article by a former British Ministry of Defense employee, Nick Pope, who previously ran the UFO desk from 1991 to 1994. Pope said:

While there certainly has been interest and involvement over the years, this has often been misinterpreted, perhaps deliberately or perhaps not. As individuals, military and MOD personnel can be as intrigued by crop circles as anybody else, but where such interest has been expressed it has been mistakenly interpreted as implying greater corporate involvement than is actually the case.

In contrast, Andrews showed official documents dating from the first crop circles that appeared in England in 1985 to prove the government interest in crop circles has been sustained and comprehensive. He showed how they were initially related to the UFO phenomenon in official government documentation. Though UK government authorities and police denied any official interest in crop circles, he showed photos and documents that clearly displayed a sustained interest. As a former local government employee (1974-1990), Andrews shared insights into how he was able to see at first hand the level of official investigation by different government agencies into crop circles.


[...remember, youtube is a business. It would actually be quite surprising if it didn't want to increase its earnings. :( Look here: http://inphobe.blogspot.com/2009/04/vid_16.html]

Video Bloggers Fear 'You' Being Phased Out of YouTube


Viral videos and individual user channels being obliterated by bland corporate promos as censorship and regulation make popular video website unrecognizable from a few years ago.

A new You Tube video getting a lot of attention highlights concerns that the “You” is being phased out of YouTube, as individual users are sidelined by regulation and censorship in favor of corporate domination of the popular video website, an eventuality that we first warned about years ago.

The clip makes the case that You Tube has all but eliminated the prominence of individual video channels and artificially suppressed their chances of topping the popular ranking charts.

In addition, the ranking charts themselves have been buried on the website and replaced with an assortment of “featured” videos, a combination of bland corporate promos and inane mindless clips, selected by You Tube bosses themselves, while “viral” videos voted on by individual users have been almost completely hidden.

Read more at Prison Planet...

Think What We Think...Or Else: Thought Control on the American Campus

[...it's all about education. In our first 25 years of existence, the current system of education manages to instill in us all, every type of prejudice...just look around. All that fear, anger and bigotry was sowed in school.]

Un año de prisión para los gestores del portal The Pirate Bay

·Condenan al portal por violar los derechos de propiedad intelectual.
·Deberán pagar una indemnización de €2,7 millones.



Copenhague. (EFE).- Un tribunal de Estocolmo condenó a los cuatro responsables del portal de Internet sueco The Pirate Bay a un año de cárcel y al pago de una indemnización de 30 millones de coronas (2,7 millones de euros) por violar los derechos de propiedad intelectual.

La sentencia considera que facilitando la descarga de archivos mediante la tecnología "torrent" y sabiendo que entre ellos figuraba material protegido por derechos de autor, los responsables de la web han violado "de forma objetiva" la ley sobre propiedad intelectual. Los acusados trabajaban además como un "equipo" para el mantenimiento y desarrollo de la web, lo que refuerza su culpabilidad, según el tribunal, que fijó una indemnización para la industria audiovisual.

Fundada en Estocolmo en 2004, The Pirate Bay está considerado el principal sitio de Internet del mundo para compartir películas, música, juegos y programas, y se estima que cuenta con entre 22 y 25 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo.

La Fiscalía sueca abrió un caso contra este portal en 2005, y en mayo del año siguiente la Policía detuvo a tres de los acusados en una redada en la que se confiscaron todos los servidores; los cuatro responsables fueron acusados formalmente en enero de 2008.

El juicio contra The Pirate Bay ha sido considerado decisivo en la pugna mundial sobre la descarga gratuita de música, películas, software y otros productos digitales.
Fuente: LaVanguardia.es...

[ATENCIÓN: en la edición impresa, la noticia contiene más información. Por ejemplo, en la edición digital no se hace mención del comentario de Peter Sunde, portavoz de The Pirate Bay: ''Ha sido un veredicto loco. Como para reírse a carcajadas. Pero como en todas las buenas películas, los héroes pierden al principio pero tienen una victoria épica al final. Es lo que Hollywood nos ha enseñado''. Como tampoco se lee lo que dijo el presidente de la IFPI (Federación Internacional de la Industria Fonográfica), John Kennedy: ''Se trata de una medida disuasoria contra la violación de los derechos de autor. Es una buena noticia para todos los que están aprovechándose de una actividad creativa, tanto en Suecia como fuera''. Pódeis ir a LaVanguardia.es y dejar un comentario bajo este artículo...algunos ya lo han hecho.]
