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Earth's atmosphere is CO2 impoverished

"And if co2science and many other excellent sources are right on the benefits of carbon/CO2 (and I believe they are), then there is no need for us to reduce our carbon footprint, decarbonize our economies, reduce CO2 in the atmosphere, cap and trade on CO2, tax carbon, or engage any other endeavors to limit the basis and food of all life. In fact, according to paleo-climate records, our atmosphere is still "CO2 impoverished".
Dangerous levels of CO2 are not reached till up around 5,000 ppm to 10,000 ppm, and some sources suggest that CO2 levels are not dangerous till 15,000 ppm (see co2science.org, "Does high CO2 harm humans" under Health Effects at CO2: General or http://co2science.org/subject/questions/1998/91598q1.php). The low levels of atmospheric CO2 that we have been experiencing in this latest ice era are the real problem for life on Earth. Life evolved over the past 600 million years at the more healthy average level of 1500 ppm.
And when CO2 was at 7000 ppm there was no dangerous global warming. When it was at 4,400 ppm during the Late Ordovician Period, Earth was as cold as it is now. So also over the past 150 years." Wendell Krossa on CCNet April 20.
[Source: Heliogenic Climate Change]

America. Freedom To Fascism

Conspiracy Cards - Vaccines

Conspiracy Card
[Source conspiracycards.com]

Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list

·AN international drug company made a hit list of doctors who had to be "neutralised" or discredited because they criticised the anti-arthritis drug the pharmaceutical giant produced.
Staff at US company Merck &Co emailed each other about the list of doctors - mainly researchers and academics - who had been negative about the drug Vioxx or Merck and a recommended course of action.
The email, which came out in the Federal Court in Melbourne yesterday as part of a class action against the drug company, included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against some of the doctors' names.
It is also alleged the company used intimidation tactics against critical researchers, including dropping hints it would stop funding to institutions and claims it interfered with academic appointments.
"We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read to the court by Julian Burnside QC, acting for the plaintiff.
Merck & Co and its Australian subsidiary, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, are being sued for compensation by more than 1000 Australians, who claim they suffered heart attacks or strokes as a result of Vioxx.

[And if you want to learn more about Merck & Co. watch this...]

[Please forward this clip to everyone you know who thinks vaccines are "safe and effective."]
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Mexican Swine Flu - Rap Video

Blu-ray Laser Phaser

[You know...lasers can be dangerous. Never point them at any living object! This is not a toy, and this should not be used like a conventional laser pointer. In other words, don't use it in presentations, or to play with pets, or allow children to use it. It should only be operated by responsible persons who understand and respect the potential laser safety hazard!]

Supreme Court ruling bans broadcast 'fleeting expletives'

WASHINGTON — A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a federal prohibition on the one-time use of expletives in a case arising partly from an expletive uttered by Cher at a Billboard Music Awards show in 2002.
The ruling, by a 5-4 vote and written by Justice Antonin Scalia, endorsed a Bush administration Federal Communications Commission policy against isolated outbursts of, as Scalia said from the bench, the "f-word" and "s-word."
The ruling does not resolve a lingering First Amendment challenge to the 2004 policy that is likely to be subject to further lower court proceedings.
Tuesday's decision reversed a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit that had said the FCC's decision to sanction "fleeting expletives" was arbitrary and capricious under federal law. That lower court had agreed with Fox Television Stations, which broadcast the Billboard awards, that such isolated utterances are not as potentially harmful to viewers as are other uses of sexual and excretory expressions long deemed "indecent" and banned by federal regulators.
Other broadcast networks had joined in the challenge, saying the policy was especially chilling for live awards shows and sporting events.
[ :D :D :D ... excuse me, but I can only laugh. This is a Supreme Court ruling on... words! You see all the ways that this is wrong, don't you?]
In any case, go on reading, here...

Feeling More Secure, Some Banks Want to Be Left Alone

[They've always wanted to be left alone...it's taking the bail-out money that they didn't have a problem with.]

As Washington pushes banks to mend their finances, the banks are pushing back.
Emboldened by newfound profits and eager to shake off federal control, a growing number of banks are resisting the Obama administration’s proposals for fixing the financial system. Lenders that skirted disaster only months ago with the help of taxpayer dollars are now balking at government prescriptions.
Despite pressure from federal regulators, industry executives are taking issue with major elements of the president’s bank plan. Administration officials characterize each part of their three-pronged approach as crucial to bolstering banks and restarting the economy. But bankers are increasingly eager to extricate themselves from the government’s grasp, and worry that Washington will impose new restrictions on their businesses if the government’s already considerable role in the industry grows.
As the Obama administration marks its first 100 days, the banks’ resistance is complicating the government’s effort to solve some of the thorniest problems of the financial crisis. Opposition is building on several fronts.
Citigroup, Bank of America and other big banks are disputing so-called stress tests being conducted by federal examiners to determine how these institutions would withstand a deep, prolonged recession. The banks contend they are in better shape than the early findings suggest, although it is likely several will need to raise capital.

Superfast secret of northern lights revealed

The Abisko Ark Hotel with the Aurora Borealis
DIFFERENT CULTURES have attributed their spectacular light show to fire-breathing dragons, dancing gods and ghostly clans at war.
New research, however, has found that the northern lights, or aurora borealis, are powered by giant electrical tornadoes spinning at more than a million miles an hour and stretching thousands of miles into space.
They show how vast quantities of charged particles emitted by the sun first pile up in huge clouds about 40,000 miles above the night side of Earth. Then, as the energy they hold becomes too great, the particles explode downwards towards Earth, spinning as they go.
“When these space tornadoes reach the upper atmosphere their enormous energy heats the air so strongly it starts glowing. That is what generates the aurorae,” said Professor Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, director of the Institute for Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics in Braunschweig, Germany.
However, since the particles hit the “day side” of Earth – the part facing the sun – and the aurorae happen on the dark “night side”, they have puzzled over how the energy is transmitted between the two sides.

Scientists find genetic clues to how autism can develop

autism, genetics, milk, cell phones, emf, vaccines, mercuryScientists have found the first substantial evidence that autism may be caused by genetic differences that damage the connection in the brain in early childhood.
Three studies have identified genetic variations which may help explain the origins of the condition, including one that could account for as many as 15% of autism cases.
Two papers published online in Nature, by Hakon Hakonarson and colleagues at the Centre for Applied Genomics at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, show that, mutations in genes[...mutations caused by what?! They don't go into this, now, do they?] that play a role in establishing connections within a child's brain, increase his or her chances of developing autism. While a single genetic variant may pose a small increased risk for a child, the researchers claim to have identified variants that may explain up to 15% of the prevalence of autism.
The exact causes of autism are still unknown[...see what I mean?], and many experts believe the type of behaviour that leads to people being diagnosed with autism may have more than one cause, she added. Other theories advanced in recent years as potential contributory factors include drinking during pregnancy, older fathers and early television viewing, though none has been substantiated.

[For a different take on autism and its possible causes, go here...]
'What is autism?' by Golden Illumination

Internet DF

·Los habitantes de la capital mexicana han sustituido la vida real por la virtual
Como dice aina, como en una peli de zombies ("Estado Facebook". Dom, 05.04.) Carie, estáis todas bien? ¿Te sientes como si estuvieras en '28 días después' ("Xorx LLop ha escrito a las 12:37 del 26 de abril")
Mireya Gregorio -una publicista barcelonesa que vive en México DF- hace días que no sale a la calle. Se ha encerrado a cal y canto. El trabajo a distancia es la fórmula que han encontrado los nueve empleados de su empresa para evitar el contagio de la gripe. "Trabajamos vía "mail" y por teléfono, cada vez que necesitamos compartir información pesada (vídeo, fotografías) lo hacemos a través de yousendit", responde en un mensaje de Facebook. Mireya lleva con filosofía el encierro ("Pues aquí igual, tancats a casa i fent-nos pelis..."22:20 del 28 de abril), pero confiesa miedo: "las mascarillas están agotadas en todas partes, así que salir ahora es más difícil".
Leer más...

Los anti-Bolonia cambian de táctica y apuntan a ERC, PSC y los bancos

http://kopiberto.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/no-bolonia.jpg Desalojo de dos jóvenes que se encadenaron en la sede de ERC. Foto:  ARNAU BACH

[Atención! Lo siguiente es un artículo de prensa -malintencionado!]

Cambio de estrategia[Mentira! Esto no es un cambio de estrategia, sigue siendo la misma estrategia]. Tras el ocaso[!] de las ocupaciones universitarias (algunas finalizadas a la fuerza y otras desconvocadas voluntariamente)
[!], los estudiantes contrarios al plan de Bolonia han retomado las protestas con un nuevo tipo de acciones. La semana pasada ya decidieron encerrarse por unas horas en un instituto de secundaria de Barcelona y en otro de Santa Coloma de Gramenet, y ayer cambiaron[!] los centros educativos por objetivos diferentes[!]: las sedes del PSC, ERC, el comisionado de Universitats y el Banco Santander. Por la tarde, en cambio, se recuperó el formato reivindicativo de la manifestación en la plaza de la Universitat. Asistieron solo unas 300 personas, muchas menos que en su última concentración, el 26 de marzo, que contó con cerca de 10.000[!].
Con la nueva táctica[!] llevada a cabo por la mañana, los anti-Bolonia[Este sobrenombre peyorativo lo usan sólo los de los medios...los activistas no se autodenominan a sí mismos -los anti-bolonia!] colocaron en el punto de mira[...esto es como apuntar con un arma, no?] a quienes consideran "responsables de la privatización de la universidad": a ERC, por ser el partido que gestiona la Conselleria d'Universitats; al PSC, por ser la formación que lidera el Govern; y al Banco Santander, por ser ejemplo de "la entrada de las empresas en la universidad".
Leer más...

[En fin...que para entender cómo los medios distorsionan y manipulan la información, ver...]

Alarma Social ¿Cómo Se Crea?

[Y si de verdad quieres saber más sobre el Proceso Bolonia, puedes comenzar por este artículo del Proyecto Matriz, titulado...]
Plan Bolonia: Universidad, S.A.

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¡Peligro! :D

Imagen de una señal de tráfico en Nicaragua! :D