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Evidence:The Case For NASA UFOs

David Sereda presents this NASA footage and his remarkable discoveries in this two part series. He shows proof of intelligent craft through the process of elimination of other plausible phenomena; fundamental principles of faster than light technology and corroborating evidence found on the disc shaped objects; links to the supposed spacecraft and an identifiable star system. Over 2 hours of
coverage. Starring David Sereda and featuring television and film celebrity Dan Akroyd.

David Sereda - NASA's Dilemma Caught On Tape

NASA’S DILEMMA: UFOS CAUGHT ON CAMERA, with David Sereda. David Sereda discusses his personal UFO sighting in Berkley, CA in 1967, “When you see video and photographs, from the perspective of having seen a UFO with your own eyes, eyes that never lie, the photographs remind you of the truth that this is all real. But for the person who has never seen one with their eyes, they think perhaps this is all some kind of trickery.” Always following the Astronauts on every Apollo mission, David Sereda grew up with the love of spaceflight. He has particularly followed closely the career of Astronaut Gordon Cooper, the legend with the "right stuff" who also happens to be the most outspoken on the matter of extraterrestrial-related phenomena. As far as Sereda is concerned, if Gordon Cooper says it's real, you can take that to the bank. In 1994, Martyn Stubbs, the Canadian UFO researcher, who archived hundreds of hours of live NASA missions, approached David to conduct a scientific investigation into anomalies with NASA video footage. He spent 6 years in private discussions with top NASA officials and scientists about these anomalies. In 2002, he released a book and 3-hour documentary film, Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs. He will discuss the significance of UFO technology, the quest for a supraluminal propulsion system and becoming free of the bonds of planet earth!

And also, go to veritasshow.com to listen to their 04/24/09 interview with D. Sereda, here...

British scientists study Hawaiian happy face spider

British scientists study Hawaiian happy face spider  http://nature.berkeley.edu/%7Egillespi/Yellow1.jpg
The spider, which measures just a few millimetres across, has developed bizarre markings giving the appearance of a smiling face.

Scientists think the spider, which has the scientific name Theridion grallator and is harmless to humans, has evolved the patterns to confuse predators.

It is under-threat of extinction in the rainforests of the Hawaiian island chain in the Pacific.

Dr Geoff Oxford, a spider expert from the University of York, said: "I must admit when I turned over the first leaf and saw one it certainly brought a smile to my face.


Alarma Social, ¿Cómo Se Crea?

Periodistas de Telecinco pillados por sorpresa con cámara oculta por la Coordinadora Antifascista de Madrid, Colectivo La Plataforma
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135 years of UFO sightings

What is often claimed to be the earliest picture of a UFO, the pic on the left was taken from the summit of Mount Washington, New Hampshire, in 1870. The one on the right
shows an object that hovers over the sawmill in Ward, Colorado, in April 1929
Underneath, searchlights converge on an unidentified object over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942. The bright blobs around the flashes are anti-aircraft shells exploding.Image
On the left an amateur photograph of a UFO taken in Passoria, New Jersey, in July 1952. On the right, some UFOs were photographed flying over the Capitol building during a wave of sightings above Washington DC, in 1952.ImageImage
Pic by an anonymous French doctor on March 23, 1974 in Tavernes, Var, during a major UFO flap over France.Image
This picture was taken by Carlos Diaz on March 23, 1981 in the Ajusco National Forest, Tepoztlan, Mexico. Diaz claimed to have been abducted by whatever entities were piloting the "craft".Image
This display of coloured lights was photographed by a police officer over I-84 near Waterbury, Connecticut, on May 26, 1987 after several cars lost power and stalled.Image
Photograph of a circular, multi-coloured object 200ft above the over the Kincardine Bridge. The photographer had to lie flat on his back to get this shot.Image

To see many more, go to the disclose.tv forum, here...
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Mind-Reading Device Sends Twitter Messages


[.......i c a n r e a d y o u r m i n d.......]

Twitter messages are so short - a 140-character limit - that you have to really think about what you want to say.

For Adam Wilson, thinking is all he has to do.

Earlier this month, Wilson thought of a tweet (the name for a post to the social networking site) and poof, his computer read his mind and sent the darn thing. At just 23 characters, Wilson's message, "using EEG to send tweet," was done with a computer setup that interprets brain waves.


Government set to scrap Titan prison plans

·Proposals for three 2,500 capacity jails likely to be replaced with plans for five 1,500-place prisons.

The government is set to abandon plans for three 2,500-capacity Titan prisons, it emerged today.

The justice secretary, Jack Straw, is instead expected to announce plans for five 1,500-place jails on Monday.

Two of those are set to go ahead immediately.

Although sources denied the decision had anything to do with the budget or making savings, the scheme was identified in today's Guardian as one likely to be axed as a public spending squeeze puts pressure on government departments.

Other initiatives under threat are believed to include the identity card scheme, building a successor to the Trident missile and new military aircraft carriers.

"We have consulted on plans for new prisons and have listened carefully to all views," a Ministry of Justice spokesman said.

"The justice secretary will make a statement on this issue shortly, and we cannot comment further on speculation.

"Since 1997, the government has increased prison capacity by 24,000 places and we remain on course to increase the total number to 96,000 by 2014."

Source: guardian.co.uk

El 'lobby' de los transgénicos controla la política alimentaria del Gobierno

·El reciente veto de Alemania a estos productos deja a España como principal defensor.
·La ministra Garmendia presidió el mayor grupo de presión nacional.

[La ministra Garmendia]
España se ve cada vez más sola en Bruselas a la hora de defender los cultivos de alimentos transgénicos. En los últimos meses, países como Grecia, Austria o la República Checa han prohibido la plantación de este tipo de productos dentro de sus fronteras. A ellos se les unieron recientemente Francia y Alemania, que vetaron a sus agricultores el uso de la semilla del maíz de Monsanto, la empresa líder del sector, denominada MON-810, aludiendo a supuestos riesgos sanitarios y medioambientales. Pese al aluvión de prohibiciones, la Administración española continúa defendiendo al sector en Bruselas y nuestro país copa el 80% de la producción de transgénicos de Europa.

Con un Ejecutivo que ha hecho del ecologismo uno de sus pilares, esta actitud podría sorprender, pero sus detractores esgrimen un motivo más que evidente: el lobby del sector ha logrado infiltrarse en el Gobierno. Prueba de ello es que la ministra de Innovación y Ciencia, Cristina Garmendia, ostentaba el cargo de presidenta de Asebio, considerado el mayor grupo de presión de los transgénicos en España, en el mismo momento de recibir la llamada de Zapatero. Su actual jefe de gabinete, Jorge Barrero, era el secretario general.
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Una joven china se gana la vida con los recados que le encargan los internautas

Nadie tiene más jefes que Chen Xiao: 220 millones de internautas chinos. La oferta del comercio por la red en China se ha disparado en los últimos años, pero nadie había vendido antes su tiempo. Chen es la versión actualizada de aquellos pioneros, campesinos ambulantes, que 30 años atrás empezaron a levantar sus imperios económicos vendiendo zapatos o remendando medias. La red ha relevado a aquellos caminos polvorientos.
"Estás en tu derecho de disponer de mi vida, y yo tengo la obligación de servirte", aclara su web personal. A cambio de apenas 8 yuanes (9 céntimos de euro) por 8 minutos, 20 yuanes (2,30 euros) por hora o 100 yuanes (11 euros) por un día, acepta cualquier misión. Las tarifas excluyen los gastos de transporte e incluyen una fotografía que da fe del cumplimiento. Su especialidad son los regalos: "Si quieres regalarle algo a alguien, solo necesito una leve descripción para acertar". Trámites administrativos, acudir a fiestas de aniversario mortecinas, fotografiar un parto, cuidar mascotas, entregar comida a domicilio... Chen ha hecho casi de todo. El casi alude a encargos inmorales, ilegales o violentos. Las propuestas deshonestas han sido habituales. Acude con un amigo si el asunto huele mal.
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Piden repetir el proceso "Pirate Bay" por pertenencia del juez a grupos de derechos de autor

·Es miembro de la Asociación Sueca por los Derechos de Autor (SFU) y de la Asociación Sueca por la Protección Legal Industrial (SFIR)[Conflicto de intereses aquí? Ninguno!]
Copenhague. (EFE).- La defensa de los cuatro responsables del portal "The Pirate Bay", uno de los principales en el mundo para intercambiar y descargar archivos por Internet, solicitó la repetición del juicio al conocerse la pertenencia del juez a varios grupos de defensa de los derecho de autor.
Tomas Norström, el juez de primera instancia de Estocolmo encargado del proceso, es miembro de la Asociación Sueca por los Derechos de Autor (SFU) y la Asociación Sueca por la Protección Legal Industrial (SFIR), informó la emisora de radio P3. Los abogados que representan como acusación particular a varias multinacionales estadounidenses del sector audiovisual en el juicio son también miembros de la SFU.
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[También pasó que...]
Los proveedores suecos se niegan a cerrar 'The Pirate Bay'

[A raiz de que un tribunal de Esto-es el-colmo dictara sentencia de...]
Un año de prisión para los gestores del portal 'The Pirate Bay'

[Y a todo esto, hay un estudio que dice que...]
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