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Living Without Money (Research Footage)

Heidemarie Schwermer (67) worked for many years as a psychotherapist and teacher in Dortmund, Germany. Like most people around her, she spent most of her time working and earning money in order to buy the things she needed - and things she didn’t really need. As a psychotherapist she met many who were depressed and frustrated, over-worked and with very little spare time. Among the unemployed and poor she found that they often considered themselves worthless.
Heidemarie got the idea to start an exchange circle, where people without money could trade objects and favors. Through the exchange circle people came in contact with each other in a new way. They felt useful and worthy, and also appreciated the social aspect. After a while, Heidemarie decided to do an experiment. She cancelled her flat, donated all her things to friends and started a new life based on exchanging favors – without the use of money. Her goal was to create a greater awareness of the relationship to money and consumption.
At first she stayed with friends and acquaintances, took care of their houses when they were away for holiday or journeys and in return she received food and a place to live. Over the years, she has inspired the start-up of exchange circles throughout Germany. She wrote a book about her way of life, and the word about her lifestyle has spread. Today, she has lived without money for 12 years, and claims she has never felt so free. In the film ”Living Without Money,” we follow Heidemarie in her daily-life and learn about her life story and philosophy.

[More info @ www.livingwithoutmoney.tv]
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El Empleo - Santiago Bou (Silent Animation)

COP15 - Red Ice TV

ATS 2009 In Review

We begin the new year at ATS News with a review of some of the more interesting threads and videos found on AboveTopSecret.com in 2009. Our twelfth year of being online was no disappointment as there were so many stellar threads from which to choose, this was actually a far more difficult edition to produce that we had thought. For our longer-term members, this might be a walk down memory lane, but for our newer members, you may discover some threads from this past year that you may have missed. So sit back and enjoy Johnny's review of the best of the best.

Bush Sr, a YouTube User & The Secret Service

La Matriz de la Vida

La Matríz de la Vida es una película que presenta la nueva visión de la medicina tomando en cuenta el campo unificado y los campos morfogenéticos alrededor del cuerpo siendo invisibles a nuestros sentidos; regulan y controlan todo el organismo, siendo el campo de la CONcienCIA.
Muchos científicos comunican la falta de razonamientos para entender las veloces reacciones del sistema nervioso y los millones de cambios metabólicos del organismo humano. Los Biólogos Dr. Bruce Lipton; Fritz Popp, PhD; Rupert Sheldrake, PhD; entre otros, nos hablan de que la física cuántica y la genética no explican cómo funciona un ser biopsíquico como el ser humano. El ADN y los genes son potencialidades que se pueden modificar con las creencias y la adaptación al entorno. El campo unificado alrededor del cuerpo y los Biofotones son lo único que explicaría la velocidad en que se rige nuestro organismo.
El corazón emite sonido y ondas electromagnéticas para imprimir la información en el campo del cuerpo y trasmitirla por todo el cuerpo. La coherencia de los ritmos del corazón con el cerebro explica el orden y la armonía para aumentar el sistema de sanación natural. Esto representa una revolución en el campo de la medicina, donde se proponen estudiar más cómo sanamos que cómo enfermamos, para ayudar a la auto-regeneración natural en vez de clasificar tantas variantes de las enfermedades.