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Left Brain, Right Brain


About ten years ago, I[Dan Eden] saw an interesting exercise in which a college psychology professor had taken photographs of her students, made copies that were flipped left to right, and then had them cut in half vertically. She reassembled the images using the two similar sides of the face.

Which Nixon would you buy a used car from?
Nixon's left+left at the far left.
The center image is the normal, original portrait.
Nixon's right+right is on the right.

[A quick way to do this is to place a small mirror perpendicular to a photograph showing a good front face view. As you look into the mirror you can form a whole face from the reflection of either side.]

The composite pictures were humorous. Although the individuals were easily recognizable, their facial expressions seemed to express exaggerated emotions, like anger, suspicion, or happiness -- and occasionally a look of total blankness. Even more interesting was the observation that the two sides of the same face were often so different. Why?

This exercise seemed to suggest that, while a handful of people have symmetrical faces, a vast majority of us do not. Also it raised the possibility that each side of our face could express different emotions at the same time! Subsequent research into facial expressions and the workings of the human brain has offered an interesting theory that not only explains this left and right difference in facial expressions, but could help us to understand our "other self."

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Mysterious Holes in the Sky, Pics...

[...well, if anyone has anything to say about this, by all means, please do!]

9/11 Commission Counsel: Government Agreed to Lie About 9/11

New book from man tasked by government to help investigate attacks unveil how ''official story is almost entirely untrue''.
The senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission - John Farmer - says that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11, echoing the assertions of fellow 9/11 Commission members who concluded that the Pentagon were engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack.

Farmer served as Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (officially known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States), and is also a former New Jersey Attorney General.

Farmer’s book about his experiences working for the Commission is entitled The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense on 9/11, and is set to be released tomorrow.


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Fidel Castro le responde a Obama y dice que Cuba "no pide limosnas"

En un artículo publicado hoy, el líder cubano reclamó el fin del bloqueo y dijo que la isla ''ha resistido y resistirá''.
El ex presidente y líder cubano Fidel Castro aseguró hoy que "Cuba ha resistido y resistirá", y que "no extenderá jamás sus manos pidiendo limosna", horas después de que el mandatario estadounidense, Barack Obama, anunciara medidas para eliminar las restricciones para viajar y enviar remesas a la isla.

"Del bloqueo, que es la más cruel de las medidas, no se dijo una palabra", dice el artículo publicado en el sitio oficial Cubadebate. Cuba –agregó- "seguirá adelante con la frente en alto, cooperando con los pueblos hermanos de América Latina y el Caribe, haya o no Cumbres de las Américas, presida o no Obama los Estados Unidos, un hombre o una mujer, un ciudadano blanco o un ciudadano negro".
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Disney Expert Uses Science to Draw Boy Viewers

ENCINO, Calif. — Kelly Peña, or “the kid whisperer[how freaky is this name!],” as some Hollywood producers call her, was digging through a 12-year-old boy’s dresser drawer[!!!] here on a recent afternoon. Her undercover mission: to unearth what makes him tick and use the findings to help the Walt Disney Company reassert itself as a cultural force among boys.

Ms. Peña, a Disney researcher with a background in the casino industry[?!], zeroed in on a ratty rock ’n’ roll T-shirt. Black Sabbath?

“Wearing it makes me feel like I’m going to an R-rated movie,” said Dean, a shy redhead whose parents asked that he be identified only by first name.

To learn more about 'disney's plans for our children', go here...

You are being lied to about pirates

Black Beard
In the “golden age of piracy” — from 1650 to 1730 — the idea of the pirate as the senseless, savage thief that lingers today was created by the British government in a great propaganda heave.

Who imagined that in 2009, the world’s governments would be declaring a new War on Pirates? As you read this, the British Royal Navy - backed by the ships of more than two dozen nations, from the U.S. to China - is sailing into Somalian waters to take on men we still picture as parrot-on-the-shoulder pantomime villains. They will soon be fighting Somalian ships and even chasing the pirates onto land, into one of the most broken countries on earth.

But behind the arrr-me-hearties oddness of this tale, there is an untold scandal. The people our governments are labeling as “one of the great menaces of our times” have an extraordinary story to tell - and some justice on their side.
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A New Theory That Unifies The Forces of Nature

Prof. A. Zielinski*
The earth is expanding. All celestial bodies have magnetic fields that are circular or polar dependent on spin. The magnetic north- and south poles are produced by the earthís spin. The magnetic poles are moving but are on the same spot at the same hour. Every galaxy has more or less a "black hole" that is not a hole at all. The universe is not expanding, there was never a "BIG BANG". Electric power can be generated from eather.


A new exciting discovery of the existence and behavior of aether leads to a new concept of the essence of aether, that is able to explain why the famous Michelson-Morley aether experiment of 1887 failed, explain and unify the forces of nature, explain why quantum theory works and even explain where the universe comes from, and last but not least, shows the gateway to the new source of energy of the future.


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Un grupo de ecologistas protesta contra los alimentos transgénicos en la UAB

Han bloqueado la entrada al Centre d'Investigació en Agrogenòmica para denunciar la proliferación de estos alimentos alterados genéticamente.


Barcelona. (EFE).- Una treintena de ecologistas de varios colectivos han bloqueado esta mañana la entrada principal del Centre d'Investigació en Agrogenòmica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) en protesta por la proliferación de alimentos transgénicos.

Los manifestantes, que impiden el acceso al edificio por la entrada principal, han colgado una pancarta en la fachada principal en la que se puede leer: "Ingeniería genética: mala ciencia, gran negocio".

Esta acción se enmarca en la "Semana de lucha contra los transgénicos y por la soberanía alimentaria", convocada entre el 14 y el 18 de abril por la red de entidades catalanas contra los alimentos transgénicos, Petroaliments, y que acabará el sábado con una manifestación en Zaragoza.

Según Mariel Vilella, portavoz del colectivo Transgénicos Fuera, los activistas piden que se prohíban los transgénicos en Catalunya, que es la segunda región de Europa con más hectáreas de alimentos transgénicos cultivadas.
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