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X-Conference 2009


Los días 17-19 de Abril tendrá lugar la 5ª edición de la X-Conference en Washington, en el National Press Club. Stephen Bassett, uno de los ponentes principales de la Cumbre Europea de Exopolítica, es el director y organizador del evento y de Paradigm Reserach Group en US. En esta ocasión se van a reunir la mayoría de los líderes en pro de la desclasificación de la presencia extraterrestre. Algunos de ellos estarán en Barcelona los días 25 y 26 de Julio de este año:

Cheryll Jones (Host); Stephen Bassett (Moderator/Speaker); George Noory (Special Presentation & Keynote - short); Edgar Mitchell, PhD (Special Presentation); Dr. Roger Leir (Special Presentation); Col. John Alexander, PhD (Special Presentation - Debate with Stephen Bassett); Colin Andrews; Art Campbell with Manuel Kirklin; Richard Dolan; Graham Hancock; Paola Harris; Jeff Peckman; Nick Pope with Milton Torres; Michael Salla; PhD; Victor Viggiani; Alfred Webre, JD. Guest Activists: Dr. Joseph Buchman, Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, Terri Mansfield, Robert Fleishcer (Germany), Angelika Whitecliff, Frederik Uldall (Denmark)

Cumbre Europea de Exopolítica 25 & 26 Julio 2009

La NASA logra medir la velocidad y la trayectoria de las tormentas solares



Los observatorios espaciales STEREO [Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory] de la NASA han logrado por primera vez medir con precisión la velocidad, la trayectoria y la forma tridimensional de una tormenta solar, lo que permitirá predecir estos fenómenos como se hace con un huracán, informó la agencia espacial.

Estos huracanes solares surgen de una erupción en la atmósfera externa del sol que lanza miles de millones de toneladas de plasma al espacio a miles de kilómetros por hora, y se propagan por el espacio en forma de nube.

La versión más amable del fenómeno son las inofensivas auroras boreales, pero estas explosiones pueden producir rayos cósmicos peligrosos para las naves espaciales, los astronautas y la tecnología en la Tierra, desde apagones de luz hasta problemas en las comunicaciones con los satélites o con pilotos de aviones que sobrevuelan los polos.

Image of the sun with solar storms

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9/11 New World Order plan: Europe, America vs Russia, China

[...remember, it's information...all of it. The truths, the lies, the exaggerations...all of it.]

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Historic disclosure: Brazil’s secret Government UFO files revealed


In what is a milestone and historic event for Brazilian ufology and for ufologists around the world Brazil’s UFO community has gained access to previously classified top-secret UFO files.
The UFO community headed by the CBU or Commission of Brazilian Ufologists has been fighting for access to these files for a number of years under freedom of information provisions and appears to have emerged from this battle victorious.
The Government has previously released in stages various files on the topic depending on their level of classification but has now agreed to release files, for the purposes of study, on even the most significant and highly classified UFO events, including the famous and most coveted files of all: the ones pertaining to Brazil’s own ‘Roswell’ incident the 'Varghina affair' as well as the notorious ‘Official Night of the UFOs’.
On this night, back in May of 1986, twenty UFOs were tracked by radar and chased by six military planes. The then minister of Aviation, Brigadier General Otavio Moreira Lima confirmed the event and later went on record stating that he believed humanity would soon make contact with extraterrestrials.
The minister also stated that Brazil had the right to reveal to its population the reality of the existence of aliens if the need arose without America’s permission. He then went on to make the interesting remark that while many people were ready to accept the idea of aliens many were not ready for this kind of information. More on this incident can be read about here on the CBU website.
The CBU has met with senior representatives of the Air Force on a number of occasions. During those meetings the ufologists were able to see and examine but not study in detail the various top-secret files that were presented by the Air Force, including those regarding the 1986 incident.
Already late last year they gained access to the files pertaining to ‘Operation Prato’, an extensive military investigation into widespread UFO incidents in the Amazon. Villagers alleged that they were being attacked and injured by UFOs and even organised night vigils to protect themselves.
Twenty years after this event the Captain in charge of the operation, Uyrange Nogueira was interviewed by a UFO researcher and admitted to witnessing UFOs and being of the opinion aliens were involved. Three weeks later he was found dead, hung by his belt. More on this remarkable incident can be read about here.
Now the ufologists are working on the details of a working relationship with the Air Force that will allow them to permanently access and utilise even these top-secret files as well as collaborate with the military to understand the UFO phenomena.
Rafael Cury, one of the heads of the CBU recently noted that ‘This represents a coming of age for Brazilian ufology’.
Indeed. With the Air Force releasing its UFO files to ufologists and conceding that they don’t understand what the craft involved are and are happy to co-operate to gain an understanding, this event might be the closest any government has come to disclosure. Ufologists around the world will undoubtedly be filled with optimism by these developments.
Source allnewsweb.com...
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Proyecto Censurado, 30 años desclasificando grandes omisiones



Hi-tech controls will trap these bogus students

·Anyone who wants to see Britain's borders protected from potential terrorists[!!!] should welcome the new immigration plans.[...talk about fear mongering!]


Over the past year we have introduced the most significant changes to our immigration system since the Second World War. The problem in the past was not that it was too easy to get into Britain. The problem was that it was too easy to stay here.

The overhaul of our policy is most visible when it comes to student visas - an area highlighted in recent days by The Times after the arrest of a number of Pakistani citizens, in Britain on student visas, for allegedly being involved in a terrorist plot.

The changes to the immigration system will take some time to come into effect but the howls of protest from some on campuses suggest that they are already having an impact.

The changes for colleges, universities and students are primarily aimed at stopping abuse of student visas - whether using non-existent courses to obtain one, non-attendance by students or overstaying on a visa. Everyone who is honest in the immigration industry knows that student overstaying has been the immigration system's Achilles' heel.

Read more about fear and how they make you feel it here...

Esoteric Agenda (Vid)

[9 part video...]

Police delete London tourists' photos 'to prevent terrorism'


Austrian tourist Klaus Matza and sonAustrian tourist Klaus Matza and his son who were banned from taking pictures of buses in Walthamstow.

Like most visitors to London, Klaus Matzka and his teenage son Loris took several photographs of some of the city's sights, including the famous red double-decker buses. More unusually perhaps, they also took pictures of the Vauxhall bus station, which Matzka regards as "modern sculpture".

But the tourists have said they had to return home to Vienna without their holiday pictures after two policemen forced them to delete the photographs from their cameras in the name of preventing terrorism. [!!!!!]

Matkza, a 69-year-old retired television cameraman with a taste for modern architecture, was told that photographing anything to do with transport was "strictly forbidden". The policemen also recorded the pair's details, including passport numbers and hotel addresses.



Man Detained As Terror Suspect For Photographing Police Car

·Chairman of park society wanted to document police misconduct, but was told he had breached Section 44 of the Terrorism Act.


Man Detained As Terror Suspect For Photographing Police Car 160409top

Despite police claiming that an ambiguous section of the UK Counter Terrorism Act of 2008 would not outlaw taking photographs or film of police, a man was detained as a terror suspect this week simply for taking a photograph of a police car in order to document police misconduct.

62-year-old Malcolm Sleath, who is chairman of his local park society, saw a police car driving erratically down a North London park footpath, despite the fact that by law police are supposed to investigate on foot in such circumstances.

He began filming the police car to document the misconduct so that he could later present it to the chief sergeant.

Sleath was subsequently approached by the two officers in the car and was told he was being detained because he had breached Section 44 of the Terrorism Act.


Obama esgrime el éxito del AVE para vender su plan de tren veloz

·El presidente de EE.UU. quiere construir 'a largo plazo' hasta 10 corredores en el país.
Barack Obama, durante la presentación de su plan de alta velocidad en Washington. Foto: REUTERS / JIM YOUNG
Barack Obama, durante la presentación de su plan de alta velocidad en Washington.

[...mirad este otro mapa. Representa algunas partes del TAUSS (Trans America Underground Subway System) cuyos túneles se cree que ya existen y albergan trenes de super-alta velocidad. Apuesto a que el plan de Obama se cumplirá más rápido de lo normal...los túneles ya están hechos!]

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, elogió ayer el AVE español, y concretamente la línea que une Madrid y Sevilla, durante la presentación de su proyecto para construir hasta 10 corredores de alta velocidad ferroviaria en su país. El plan, que Obama admitió que es a largo plazo, es visto por la Casa Blanca como una forma de mejorar la competitividad de las zonas que cuenten con tren veloz, de reducir los costes medioambientales y económicos de las saturadas carreteras y de los aeropuertos, y también de crear nuevos puestos de trabajo.

Para vender su propuesta, el mandatario puso como ejemplo los exitosos casos de la alta velocidad en países como Japón, China, Francia y España. Del caso español, dijo que el AVE entre Madrid y Sevilla "tiene tanto éxito que en estos momentos más gente viaja entre esas dos ciudades en tren que en avión y coche juntos". No es la primera vez que Obama utiliza a España como modelo de los pasos hacia un nuevo tipo de modelo económico que quiere emprender en EEUU: también ha elogiado el uso en España de energías renovables, especialmente los parques eólicos.
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Obama no juzgará a los funcionarios de la CIA por torturas en Guantánamo [...!!!]

·El presidente de EE. UU. cree que no deben ser enjuiciados ''aquellos que cumplieron con sus obligaciones fiándose del Departamento de Justicia''.[entonces, nadie será llevado a juicio, porque el Departamento de Justicia no es nadie, no tiene una cara, nunca será juzgado!]
Washington. (EFE).- El presidente de EEUU, Barack Obama, dijo hoy que no perseguirá a funcionarios de la CIA por tortura en interrogatorios, coincidiendo con la publicación de informes hasta ahora secretos del anterior Gobierno que autorizaron las prácticas.

"Aquellos que cumplieron con sus obligaciones fiándose de buena fe del asesoramiento legal del Departamento de Justicia no serán enjuiciados", indicó Obama en un comunicado difundido poco después de su llegada a México.

"Ya he puesto punto final a las técnicas descritas en los informes", subrayó Obama.

Uno de esos documentos, de agosto de 2002, dio luz verde para que se sometiese al miembro de Al Qaeda Abu Zubaydah a un interrogatorio con asfixia simulada.

"Consideramos que el uso de la asfixia simulada representa una amenaza de muerte inminente», señala el memorándum, que añade que «crea en el sujeto la incontrolable sensación física de que el sujeto se está asfixiando".

Aun así, el texto, redactado por el abogado del gobierno Jay Bybee, concluye que "ante la ausencia de un prolongado daño mental (...) el uso de estos procedimientos no constituiría tortura".[!!!!!]
Ankle handcuffs locked to the chair and floor in an interrogation room at Guantanamo Bay
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