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Conciousness Drives the Universe

Believe in the now, and believe in the good, for YOU are its creator. What is reality? Who are we? Today, cutting edge philosophers, scientists and researchers are exploring a new theory revolving around the notion that all matter is vibrating energy manifested by our collective infinite consciousness. "When I see I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I see I am everything, that is love. And between these two, my life flows." by Nisargadatta Maharaj Grant Morrisson; David Lynch; David Icke and Bill Hicks. roderickcaparoso


Messages From Water

94 Years of Serfdom


This April 15 is the 94th year that Americans have had to file an income tax. For most Americans, the day is a non-event. The federal and state governments have already collected the taxes due by withholding from each paycheck over the course of the calendar year. Most Americans never saw the money and have no real idea that they earned it.

Some Americans have their incomes over-withheld as a form of forced savings. They look forward to tax time as it means they will receive a refund check from the government that they can use for a summer vacation, a big screen TV, a new appliance, or a down payment on a new car.

Few Americans realize that over the last 94 years they have been enserfed and have no more rights to their own labor than medieval serfs or 19th-century slaves.

The 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified because the income tax was only for the rich. Some states ratified the amendment because no one in the state had an income high enough to be subject to the tax.


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85% of our[european] laws come from Brussels


The figure cannot be repeated too often. Remember, when a candidate next solicits your vote, that four out of every five laws are proposed in Brussels by bureaucrats whom we did not choose and cannot dismiss. Voting is becoming a decorative, almost folkloric activity. Power has shifted from elected representatives to unelected officials.

The statistic, by the way, comes courtesy of the German Federal Justice Ministry, which did a comprehensive survey of all the legal acts adopted in Germany since 1998, and found that 85 per cent of them were there to give force to EU directives or regulations. In some of the accession countries the proportion might be even higher. There is no reason to believe that it would be lower in Britain but, if ministers think differently, let them produce their own figures. Until now, they have flintily refused to come up with an estimate. I think we can guess why.

Germany Bans Cultivation of GM Corn [Yes!]

·Monsanto uprooted[...HA!].
·Germany has banned the cultivation of GM corn, claiming that MON 810 is dangerous for the environment. But that argument might not stand up in court and Berlin could face fines totalling millions of euros if American multinational Monsanto decides to challenge the prohobition of its seed[but will they? Do they want the exposure? Will this be settled away from public scrutiny? Hum...]

Greenpeace activists take a sample from a Monsanto test site near Borken in North Rhine-Westphalia: The GM crop MON 810 has been banned in Germany.
Greenpeace activists take a sample from a Monsanto test site near Borken in North Rhine-Westphalia: The GM crop MON 810 has been banned in Germany.

The sowing season may be just around the corner, but this year German farmers will not be planting genetically modified crops: German Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner announced Tuesday she was banning the cultivation of GM corn in Germany.
Under the new regulations, the cultivation of MON 810, a GM corn produced by the American biotech giant Monsanto, will be prohibited in Germany, as will the sale of its seed. Aigner told reporters Tuesday she had legitimate reasons to believe that MON 810 posed "a danger to the environment," a position which she said the Environment Ministry also supported. In taking the step, Aigner is taking advantage of a clause in EU law which allows individual countries to impose such bans[...good to know!].
"Contrary to assertions stating otherwise, my decision is not politically motivated," Aigner said, referring to reports that she had come under pressure to impose a ban from within her party, the conservative Bavaria-based Christian Social Union. She stressed that the ban should be understood as an "individual case" and not as a statement of principle regarding future policy relating to genetic engineering.

Things On The Moon

[In these next images of the surface of the moon, if you look 'hard enough', you will see anomalous formations implying some sort of artificial construct. You may disagree...but only if you accept that, whatever the features may be, they are there. :) ]

[This one courtesy of the Lunar and Planetary Institute,
Apollo Image Atlas: AS16-P-4502]

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[...and this other one courtesy of India's First Moon Mission: Chandrayaan-1, Moon imagery obtained using HySI and TMC cameras operated together]
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Powers Of 10...vid

[...english version]

[...y en castellano]

It's Always Darkest just before it goes Black


I[smokingmirrors.blogspot's Les Visble]’ve been thinking about that Madison Avenue thing that brings us mind molders like reality TV and fake news as our models for contemporary life which presents humanity as a life form capably stupid enough to buy the crap they package along with the morons who tout it. This also brings us the shape-shifter politicians and cultural grooves that are like railway tracks from cradle to grave and which convince us we are just tubes that put things in one end only to send them out another; as if we were ambulatory tubes of toothpaste. If it weren’t for the coloration and flavor of the items going into the tubes we wouldn’t be able to distinguish them from the thing going out of the tubes. Garbage in and garbage out; through the speakers and headphones, from fork to mouth, from bottle to skin, from shelf to cart, from speech center to speech maker and so on and so forth.

I[Les Visible]’ve been noticing signs of revolt at all levels of the social spectrum and it’s surprising me. I realize that I’ve been pretty tough on the mainstream fish caught in the nets and not giving enough credit to what looks like a revolution catching fire all around the world. I’m starting to think that some indefinable force is moving through the people of the world and they are starting to react as if they really were capable of independent thought and then I ponder what I hear from so many sources which tell me that the mysterious elite have all of the situations and circumstances programmed and that no matter what I see it is all part of ‘their plan’. It’s enough to make your head spin.
Interesting stuff! Read more @ smokingmirrors.blogspot...

El spam contamina tanto como tres millones de autos

Según un estudio, los correos no deseados suponen un gasto energético de 33.000 millones de kilovatios por hora a lo largo de todo un año, una cantidad de electricidad que podría abastecer a 2,4 millones de hogares.
Los correos electrónicos no deseados, conocidos popularmente como "spam", producen una cantidad de emisiones de efecto invernadero equivalente a la originada por 3,1 millones de vehículos, según un estudio publicado hoy por la compañía de seguridad informática McAfee.

El estudio, titulado "La huella de carbono del Spam", revela que el envío de correos no deseados a las computadoras de todo el mundo supone un gasto energético de 33.000 millones de kilovatios por hora (KWh) a lo largo de todo un año, una cantidad de electricidad que podría abastecer a 2,4 millones de hogares.

El informe destaca que se trata de una energía desaprovechada, ya que el 80 por ciento del spam termina siendo ignorado y borrado por los destinatarios.

El establecimiento de filtros capaces de poner fin a esta práctica cada vez más habitual supondría, según el estudio, una reducción de emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2) equivalente a la retirada de millones de autos de las rutas de todo el planeta.

El vicepresidente de desarrollo de producto de McAfee, Jeff Green, destacó la necesidad de parar el spam "desde sus propios orígenes" y a través del desarrollo de mejores sistemas de defensa.

"Estas medidas -consideró Green- permitirían ahorrar tiempo y dinero, y pagarían un gran dividendo al planeta mediante la reducción de las emisiones de carbono".
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DNA pioneer Alec Jeffreys: drop innocent from database

·DNA scientist: drop innocent from database
·Father of genetic fingerprinting says thousands 'branded as criminals'



Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys

The inventor of genetic fingerprinting, Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, today warns that the government is putting at risk public support for the DNA national database by holding the genetic details of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Jeffreys, whose pioneering discoveries revolutionised police investigation techniques, condemned the government for leaving innocent people "branded as criminals" by its insistence on keeping the details of everyone arrested, regardless of whether they are later convicted.

He said he was left "almost speechless" by reports that the government planned to respond to a recent European court ruling - that storing innocent people's genetic details broke their right to privacy - by simply removing their profiles from the database but keeping the original DNA samples.

In an interview with the Guardian, he said: "I have significant concerns there [about the size of the database]. That database is currently populated by an unknown number of entirely innocent people. It is not possible to get an accurate number but it appears to be hundreds of thousands.


Why the greatest story in human history has never been told

Conference by Robert Dean

Presentation purpose and scope:

At this conference we are addressing essentially the greatest story in the history of the human race. It is indeed the greatest story in human history because it is the story of human history. Essentially the story is simply this—we are not alone in the universe and we have never been alone. Humanity has had and still has an intimate interrelationship with several extraterrestrial incredibly advanced civilizations. This relationship has been going on for thousands of years and the truth is now about to be told and the human race is not ready to accept and confront this shocking reality. But whether we are ready or not, the truth will be told and nothing will ever be the same.

Por qué el relato más impactante en la historia humana jamás ha sido contado

Conferencia a cargo de Robert Dean

Presentación del propósito y enfoque:

En esta conferencia tratamos, esencialmente, el relato más impactante en la historia de la raza humana. Es, de hecho, el relato más importante en la Historia humana porque es el relato de la Historia humana. Básicamente la historia es ésta—no estamos solos en el universo y nunca lo hemos estado. La Humanidad ha tenido, y todavía tiene, una íntima inter-relación con varias civilizaciones extraterrestres increíblemente avanzadas. Esta relación ha estado sucediendo durante miles de años y ésta verdad está a punto de salir a la luz y la raza humana no está preparada para aceptar y afrontar ésta escandalosa realidad. Pero, listos o no, la verdad será revelada y ya nada será igual.