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UFO fleet menaces east London

Street View sighting rocks Bethnal Green

The Sun has mobilised a crack team of hacks and ufologists to probe a sensational sighting of a formation of extraterrestrial vehicles swooping over the mean streets of Bethnal Green:
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"Baffled" expert Nick Pope, who "used to investigate sightings for the Ministry of Defence", described the visitation as “truly fascinating”. He said: “It appears to show nine objects flying in near perfect formation. About the only thing I know that can do this is the Red Arrows - and it’s not them. I’ve run through the list of possibilities that normally explain these things, but I can’t find an answer.”

Shaken locals shared Pope's bafflement, with one telling an on-the-spot Sun reporter: “This is definitely the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in Bethnal Green.”


They're Censoring Your Reality

Alex Jones: They're Censoring Your Reality
In this video, from August 4th 2008, Alex discusses in detail the serious issue of Internet censorship and how it is affecting us. The only winners of this censorship are the governments and corporate oligarchies who want to severely restrict our freedom of speech and our ability to acquire factual information from independent news sites. If you sit by and do nothing about the info you hear in this video, you are effectively kissing goodbye to the Internet as we know it. By 2012, the 'powers-that-be' plan to turn the Internet into nothing more than a glorified cable TV system where access to anything other than mainstream sites will be highly restricted - just like in communist China. We cannot allow this to happen. Only the power of the people can stop this. If we fail to voice our views on this issue NOW, the Internet as we know it will be gone forever and important sites like InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com will not be there for us anymore. I cannot stress enough how important this issue is. Please go to InfoWars.com and check out the links covering Internet censorship and you'll see what I mean. Copy and paste the articles and email them to everyone you know, including the mainstream news sites. Post the articles on MySpace and as many other forums as you can. You can also download this video and upload it to your channel and to other video sites. We need to make a big noise over this, otherwise they'll go full steam ahead with their plans to dismantle the Internet by 2012. Once the Internet is gone, it's gone forever, and there won't be any complaints departments to complain to when you want the old Internet back. The time to take action is NOW.
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Did You Know? 3.0

Did You Know? 3.0

What does it all mean?
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Five Britons arrested over G20 explosives stunt plan

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Plot to disrupt G20 summit follows warnings by police that protesters are planning to bring London to a standstill.
Paul Lewis, guardian.co.uk, Monday 30 March 12.51 BST


Five Britons have been arrested in connection with a suspected plot to use explosives to disrupt the G20 summit.

The individuals, who are political activists unaffiliated to any terrorist organisation, were arrested at addresses in Plymouth. They are being held under terrorism legislation.

Despite the involvement of explosives, a police source with knowledge of the investigation has told the Guardian that initial inquiries indicate the five were "not planning a Guy Fawkes plot".

"I think it was more designed to disrupt than injure or kill," the source said, adding that reports that the individuals were Greek nationals were false.It is understood that the quantity and type of material found at the addresses indicates a small-scale stunt.

Scotland Yard has issued a series of warnings in recent days that protesters are planning to bring the capital to a standstill this week in potentially violent protests scheduled to coincide with the arrival of world leaders for the summit, in east London.


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Noches con récord de delitos por alcoholemia

En este macrocontrol de la ronda Litoral, la conductora fue detenida y trasladada al calabozo por una tasa de 0,88

La Guardia Urbana interceptó el pasado fin de semana a 277 conductores que rebasaban el límite de alcoholemia y practicó 39 detenciones en la operación 0,25. Un conductor ebrio llama a los Mossos tras ser interceptado por la Urbana. La mitad de los 'positivos' se desplaza a localidades fuera de Barcelona.

La Guardia Urbana ha librado el último fin de semana en las calles de Barcelona su batalla más intensa contra la conducción etílica. Y la denominada operación 0,25, con dos centenares de agentes involucrados, ha concluido con cifras espectaculares, datos de récord para refrescar la máxima "si bebes, no conduzcas". 2.150 pruebas de alcoholemia, 277 positivos (12,88%) saldados con 238 denuncias administrativas y 39 detenciones de conductores que visitaron el calabozo y rendirán cuentas al juez. "Aunque no tanto como antes, la gente todavía bebe, y debe saber que en cualquier momento puede encontrarse con un control", señalan fuentes de la policía barcelonesa.
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EDITORIAL de elPeriódico: 'Primera intervención de una caja'

Pedro Solbes, durante la rueda de prensa de ayer.   Foto: EFE / VÍCTOR LERENA
La opinión del diario se expresa solo en los editoriales. Los artículos exponen posturas personales.

El Banco de España tomó el sábado una decisión de amplio alcance en sus efectos para todo el sector: la intervención de la Caja de Castilla la Mancha (CCM), sumida en un grave problema de liquidez, por la desconfianza de sus clientes, y tras saber que ha hecho inversiones desproporcionadas para su tamaño, dos de ellas en proyectos públicos de la comunidad autó-
noma, como un parque de atracciones y un aeropuerto. Por el tamaño de la entidad, que representa menos del 1% del sector financiero español, sería un hecho poco relevante, pero es un aviso a tener en cuenta. Hace unas semanas, la caja manchega iba a ser absorbida por otra más saneada, la andaluza Unicaja. Se seguía así el principio de que las cajas nunca quiebran, se fusionan.

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Solbes atribuye los problemas de la Caja Castilla La Mancha a una ''gestión inadecuada''


El vicepresidente segundo y ministro de Economía, Pedro Solbes, ha atribuido los problemas de liquidez de la Caja Castilla La Mancha (CCM) y su posterior intervención a "una gestión inadecuada". Solbes también ha apuntado al peso del sector inmobiliario y la construcción en la cartera de préstamos de la caja, así como a determinadas declaraciones "no muy afortunadas".

Un día después de que el Banco de España decidiera intervenir la CCM, Solbes ha vuelto a enviar esta mañana, en entrevistas en la cadena SER y en TVE, un mensaje de tranquilidad a los clientes de la entidad financiera y ha señalado que "sus depósitos están absolutamente asegurados".

El Gobierno aprobó ayer, en un Consejo de Ministros extraordinario, la destitución de los gestores de la CCM y un aval de hasta 9.000 millones para reflotar la entidad. Se trata de la primera intervención pública de una entidad en el marco de la recesión.

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New Artificial DNA Points to Alien Life

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By Robin Lloyd,
LiveScience Senior Editor

CHICAGO — A strange, new genetic code a lot like that found in all terrestrial life is sitting in a beaker full of oily water in a laboratory in Florida, a scientist said today, calling it the first example of an artificial chemical system that is capable of Darwinian evolution.

The system is made of the four molecules that are the basic building blocks of our DNA along with eight synthetic modifications of them, said biochemist Steven A. Benner of the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Gainesville.

The main difference between the synthetic molecules and those that make up conventional DNA is that Benner's molecules cannot make copies of themselves, although that is just "a couple of years" away, he said.