Project Camelot Interiews David Icke
Project Camelot : In 2-hour long Conversation with David Icke Sedona, Arizona, February 2009
Emergency Broadcast!!! - New World Order Ahead!!
[Please do everything you can to circulate this video far and wide :) ]
And for quick printable info on the NWO go to:
[or just grab or read these...but do print and pass!]

Remember: for better printable .pdf files of these .jpgs go here...www.operationmindseed.com
INFORMED CHOICE Vaccine Ingredients

Chemical/Heavy Metal content in a representative sample:
Vaccine: Acel-Immune DTaP : for diphtheria - tetanus - pertussis
-Chemicals/Heavy Metals: formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal[!!!], and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80)
-Chemicals/Heavy Metals: aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal[!!!]
Vaccine: FluShield : for flu[gripe]
-Chemicals/Heavy Metals: formadehyde, thimerosal[!!!], and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80)
Vaccine: JE-VAX : for Japanese encephalitis
-Chemicals/Heavy Metals: formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (Tween-80), and thimerosal[!!!]
Vaccine: Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed : for rabies
-Chemicals/Heavy Metals: beta-propiolactone, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal[!!!], and phenol red
...and there's many more...
To learn more about vaccines, their contents and who makes them go here...
EDITORIAL de elPeriódico: 'Cambio de misión en Afganistán'
La opinión del diario se expresa solo en los editoriales. Los artículos exponen posturas personales. [!!!!!???]
Pocas dudas quedan de que España aumentará en los próximos meses su presencia en Afganistán tanto en el campo de la cooperación [???] como en el del despliegue de efectivos. El anuncio realizado ayer por el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, de que el Gobierno destinará 14,5 millones de euros a construir una nueva base para el Ejército afgano [!!!] y enviará a 12 militares para adiestrar a las tropas que se harán cargo de la instalación tiene todas las trazas de ser el preludio de algún compromiso de mayor entidad. En todo caso, forma parte de lo previsible que el Gobierno acepte ampliar el despliegue en Afganistán con el envío de un batallón, para sumarse al dispositivo de seguridad que deberá proteger las elecciones de agosto [?!], y de instructores de la Guardia Civil.
El PP dice apoyar esta serie de medidas porque coinciden "con el diagnóstico de la secretaria de Estado de EEUU, Hillary Clinton" y no porque emanan de una decisión soberana del Gobierno español, que la someterá al Parlamento próximamente. Se equivocan los populares, porque, a pesar de que el Ejecutivo ha comunicado estas disposiciones con un punto de confusa improvisación, lo cierto es que nada de lo que ha decidido y anunciado violenta el punto de vista del PP, sino que coincide con él hasta en los mínimos detalles, incluida la presencia en la provincia de Herat de 778 militares españoles.
En cambio, todos --Gobierno y oposición-- debieran insistir en la necesidad de que la OTAN precise las características, el calendario y los objetivos de la misión, visto que esta ha consistido hasta la fecha en garantizar la seguridad propia más que en reforzar el control del territorio. Es decir, que ha intentado minimizar los riesgos, lo que ha redundado en la práctica en un debilitamiento del papel desempeñado por los soldados de la OTAN y en un reforzamiento de la insurgencia. Una situación que seguramente ha limitado las bajas, pero que ha consagrado una permanente sensación de ineficacia.
La realidad es que no tiene sentido prolongar indefinidamente este estado de cosas. Una parte importante de la seguridad de Occidente y de los soldados despachados al corazón de Asia depende de que la OTAN aspire a algo más que a gestionar una crisis crónica [!!!]. Si alguien cree que esto es posible sin cambiar las características y las dimensiones de la misión, o es un ingenuo o quiere desorientar a la opinión pública [jejeje...que perspicacia!].
[Para entender el 'nivel' de sintonía entre Moratinos y la Clinton ver esto delaopiniondemurcia de febrero de 2009...]
La secretaria de Estado norteamericana, Hillary Clinton, pidió hoy la ayuda de España para acoger a detenidos del penal de la base estadounidense en Guantánamo (Cuba) y el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Miguel Angel Moratinos, se ha mostrado "en principio de acuerdo a colaborar en la acogida de algunos presos".
Para más sobre este 'en principio, de acuerdo' ir aquí...Microsoft afirma que en España se piratea software porque no se valora el talento

[...ay-ay Micro-Macro-soft...qué más quieres ahora? Y qué tiene que decir tu lacayo, el director de Desarrollo de Propiedad Intelectual de Microsoft Ibérica, Txema Arnedo al respecto? Veamos...]
Valladolid. (EFECOM).- El director de Desarrollo de Propiedad Intelectual de Microsoft Ibérica, Txema Arnedo, ha asegurado que la razón por la que España posee un índice de piratería informática superior a la media europea es que en este país se infravalora el talento y se desconoce cómo remunerar la propiedad intelectual.
En este sentido, el director de Microsoft ha recordado que la media de software ilegal instalado en España fue en 2007 del 43 por ciento frente al 33 por ciento de Europa Occidental y al 25 por ciento de Dinamarca.
Leer más...
The UK Minority Report: Has 'Precrime' Finally Arrived?
A recent article in the UK Independent entitled, Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists, heralds what looks to be the unofficial beginning of British law enforcement's own "Pre-crime" program. For the first time, we can begin to see intelligence gathering and emerging technologies converging in a culture of pre-emptive law enforcement. Officials interviewed in this article are keen to play down any concerns about racial or religious profiling, insisting the program is an innocuous one. Civil liberties group may argue otherwise.
[And this from Infowars, Feb. 2007...]
Big Brother Brain Scanners To detect Pre-crime.
Watching, Listening, Shouting, Firing X-Rays and scanning your brain for thought crime.
The technology is no longer science fiction. A team of neuroscientists has developed technology that allows them to look deep inside a person's brain and read their intentions before they act.
During tests, researchers were able to successfully predict the intentions of multiple subjects with 70% accuracy by scanning their brains using a technique called functional magnetic imaging resonance.
The study revealed signatures of activity in a small part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex that changed when a person took a choice to do something before carrying out the action.
The researchers are already devising ways of deducing what patterns are associated with different thoughts.
Meme Supreme: Predictive Programming In Action

When a specific word pattern is then later invoked - new world order - the emotional charge (energetic frequency) is activated in the individual, and therefore the collective mind. The reality blueprint is being broadcast, across billions of pages and screens, enlisting the consciousness of those who choose not to create their own reality.
Observe how this viral meme seeding will escalate over the coming months.
Fortunately, unplugging from their cynical and insidious programming is uncomplicated. Turn it off. Organically program yourself... with your own feelings, discernment, humanity and knowledge. Conscious recognition of your own sovereign being neutralizes the charge of their pale proclamations.
* meme. –noun a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes.
Peter Power: Some Companies Used G-20 Protests As “Training For Flu Pandemic”
Friday, April 3, 2009
Peter Power, the “crisis management expert” who ran drills of the very events of the London bombings on the morning of 7/7 as they were happening, told the BBC that some companies used the shut down of the city on Wednesday as a dress rehearsal for an influenza pandemic.
Obama Begins Turnover of USA Sovereignty to International Body
ALL of the U.S. regulatory bodies and ALL U.S. companies are put under international regulation.
http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/9908Moving as quickly as he can to gut the USA and then divide its body parts amongst like-minded globalists, the USA’s Supreme Leader Barack Hussein Obama used the G-20 conference to begin his turnover of USA sovereignty to said internationalists and start the move toward a one-world government. Obama has signed off on international legislation—the *Financial Stability Board—that would regulate ALL firms, including those within the USA and places them under the responsibility of an international governmental agency.
On FNC’s Greta Van Susteren’s program, author and columnist Dick Morris noted “literally from April 2nd of this year, that is, today, it’s a whole new world of financial regulation in which, essentially, ALL of the U.S. regulatory bodies and ALL U.S. companies are put under international regulation, international supervision. It really amounts to a global economic government.”
*Financial Stability Board
What is the Financial Stability Board?
It is the new regulator created by the G20 as an enlarged version of the Financial Stability Forum, which is an advisory group established in 1999 to promote international financial stability through better information exchange and international cooperation. The new FSB will include all G20 countries, Spain and the European Commission. The body aims to identify problems in the financial system and oversee action to address them.
Who runs the regulator?
The Financial Stability Forum is chaired by Mario Draghi, governor of the Bank of Italy. The secretariat is based at the Bank for International Settlements' headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.
What will the new regulator do?
The regulator will monitor potential risks in the economy, especially those involving the biggest firms, and will conduct "early warning exercises" and periodic reviews to spot potential trouble. It will cooperate with the IMF, the Washington-based body that monitors countries' financial health, lending funds if needed. The new regulator will report any possible threats to the stability of the global financial system to the G20 finance ministers, the IMF and central bank governors.
Who will the regulator oversee?
All "systemically important" financial institutions, instruments and markets. This will include, for the first time, the most important hedge funds. These will have to register and report their strategy, debt and risk levels. Hedge funds manage about $1tn (£67bn) of assets.
How will it work?
The body will establish a supervisory college to monitor each of the largest international financial services firms. It will monitor a firm's financial and operational structure, and any contingency funding arrangements, amongst others. It will act as a clearing house for information-sharing and contingency planning for the benefit of its members.