Leaked 1955 Bilderberg Docs Outline Plan For Single European Currency
·Global elite spoke of agenda to create Euro nearly 40 years before it was first codified in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty.


Leaked documents from the 1955 Bilderberg Group conference held in Germany discuss the agenda to create a European Union and a single EU currency, decades before they were introduced, disproving once again debunkers who claim that Bilderberg has no influence over world events.
Leaked papers from the meeting which took place from September 23-25 1955 at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, were released by the Wikileaks website yesterday.
The full document can be read here (the password is ‘dynbase’).
As we first reported in 2003, a BBC investigative team were allowed to access Bilderberg files which confirmed that the EU and the Euro were the brainchild of Bilderberg. They were probably reading from the same documents that were released by Wikileaks.
It was only last month that Belgian viscount and current Bilderberg-chairman Étienne Davignon bragged that Bilderberg helped create the Euro by first introducing the policy agenda for a single currency in the early 1990’s.
However, the documents show that the agenda to create a European common market and a single currency go back decades earlier.
The summary report of the 1955 meeting talks of the “Pressing need to bring the German people, together with the other peoples of Europe, into a common market.”
The document also outlines the plan, “To arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.”
Despite the plethora of manifestly provable examples of where Bilderberg's agenda has later played out in actual policies and geopolitical developments on the world stage, establishment media debunkers still scoff and sneer at independent researchers who dare claim that 150 of the world’s most influential powerbrokers meeting in secret to discuss the future of the planet might equate to something more than an informal talking shop, calling such assertions “conspiracy theories”.
Indeed, the sheer stupidity of debunkers to suggest that an event that attracts the titans of government, industry, banking, business and academia, at which the most pressing global issues of the day are vigorously discussed under the cloak of a mutually agreed media blackout, has no bearing on future world events, is the most laughable “conspiracy theory” ever uttered.
Bilderberg's 2009 agenda has already been leaked before their May 14-17 meeting in Vouliagmeni, Greece. According to investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, one of Bilderberg’s aims is to smear anti-Lisbon Treaty activists and politicians by planting derogatory stories in the media, enabling them to silence opposition to an EU federal superstate that Bilderberg has been carefully cultivating since their very first meetings in the 1950’s - a fact, not a conspiracy theory, proven by Bilderberg’s own internal documents.
Read more...Leaked papers from the meeting which took place from September 23-25 1955 at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, were released by the Wikileaks website yesterday.
The full document can be read here (the password is ‘dynbase’).
As we first reported in 2003, a BBC investigative team were allowed to access Bilderberg files which confirmed that the EU and the Euro were the brainchild of Bilderberg. They were probably reading from the same documents that were released by Wikileaks.
It was only last month that Belgian viscount and current Bilderberg-chairman Étienne Davignon bragged that Bilderberg helped create the Euro by first introducing the policy agenda for a single currency in the early 1990’s.
However, the documents show that the agenda to create a European common market and a single currency go back decades earlier.
The summary report of the 1955 meeting talks of the “Pressing need to bring the German people, together with the other peoples of Europe, into a common market.”
The document also outlines the plan, “To arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.”
Despite the plethora of manifestly provable examples of where Bilderberg's agenda has later played out in actual policies and geopolitical developments on the world stage, establishment media debunkers still scoff and sneer at independent researchers who dare claim that 150 of the world’s most influential powerbrokers meeting in secret to discuss the future of the planet might equate to something more than an informal talking shop, calling such assertions “conspiracy theories”.
Indeed, the sheer stupidity of debunkers to suggest that an event that attracts the titans of government, industry, banking, business and academia, at which the most pressing global issues of the day are vigorously discussed under the cloak of a mutually agreed media blackout, has no bearing on future world events, is the most laughable “conspiracy theory” ever uttered.
Bilderberg's 2009 agenda has already been leaked before their May 14-17 meeting in Vouliagmeni, Greece. According to investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, one of Bilderberg’s aims is to smear anti-Lisbon Treaty activists and politicians by planting derogatory stories in the media, enabling them to silence opposition to an EU federal superstate that Bilderberg has been carefully cultivating since their very first meetings in the 1950’s - a fact, not a conspiracy theory, proven by Bilderberg’s own internal documents.

Experts Present Evidence to Committee on Nanotechnology in Food

As part of the evidence given, several key points were raised including:
It was also emphasised that research to date has primarily been investigator driven, a consequence of the responsive funding mode adopted in the UK, and as such has focussed primarily on inhalation and dermal exposure to nanoparticles. This has led to a lack of research into the effects of ingestion of nanoparticles combined with a non-generalisability of current research. A more strategic coordinated approach, such as that recommended in the 2004 Royal Society Report, was necessary. These major gaps in the knowledge base, specifically relating to ingestion, was a key finding of the recent SAFENANO-led report EMERGNANO, one of the documents discussed at the hearing.
[Source: azonano.com]- the ability of nanoparticles to cross the gut wall and other cellular barriers;
- the potential novel toxic effects of such nanoparticles in the human body;
- the possibility that other materials in the gut (e.g. bacteria or other contaminants) may attach to the nanoparticles and be transported across the gut wall (the Trojan Horse Effect)
It was also emphasised that research to date has primarily been investigator driven, a consequence of the responsive funding mode adopted in the UK, and as such has focussed primarily on inhalation and dermal exposure to nanoparticles. This has led to a lack of research into the effects of ingestion of nanoparticles combined with a non-generalisability of current research. A more strategic coordinated approach, such as that recommended in the 2004 Royal Society Report, was necessary. These major gaps in the knowledge base, specifically relating to ingestion, was a key finding of the recent SAFENANO-led report EMERGNANO, one of the documents discussed at the hearing.
Radiocarbon Dating of the Underground Tunnel Complex In the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids

The "Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation" reported that there is an underground network of a dozen tunnels under the pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
A few hundred meters of tunnels that lead towards the Bosnian pyramid of the Sun have been cleaned and secured for the visitors and researchers. Stalagmites and stalactites have been found in the side passages, from which samples have been taken for analysis in one of the leading laboratories in Poland, at the Institute for physics.
The stalagmite formed in a collapsed part of the tunnel, which means that the age of the tunnel is much older than the age of the stalagmite.
Professor dr. Anna Pazdur of Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland) signed the Polish laboratory report, and stresses that the age of the stalagmite is 5080 years (+/- 75 years).
This means that the tunnel complex predates other cultures on Bosnian soil from the past: the middle ages Bosnian state (800 years), ancient Rome (2000 years), ancient Greece (2500 years), the Ilyric tribes (2800 years) and the Butmir culture (4600 years). [!!!]
The age of five thousand years is the minimal age of the tunnel: the date this advanced engineering underground complex was made has yet to be determined. The Foundation is continuing with a multidisciplinary approach to processing the archaeological finding.
[Source: piramidasunca.ba]
A few hundred meters of tunnels that lead towards the Bosnian pyramid of the Sun have been cleaned and secured for the visitors and researchers. Stalagmites and stalactites have been found in the side passages, from which samples have been taken for analysis in one of the leading laboratories in Poland, at the Institute for physics.
The stalagmite formed in a collapsed part of the tunnel, which means that the age of the tunnel is much older than the age of the stalagmite.
Professor dr. Anna Pazdur of Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland) signed the Polish laboratory report, and stresses that the age of the stalagmite is 5080 years (+/- 75 years).
This means that the tunnel complex predates other cultures on Bosnian soil from the past: the middle ages Bosnian state (800 years), ancient Rome (2000 years), ancient Greece (2500 years), the Ilyric tribes (2800 years) and the Butmir culture (4600 years). [!!!]
The age of five thousand years is the minimal age of the tunnel: the date this advanced engineering underground complex was made has yet to be determined. The Foundation is continuing with a multidisciplinary approach to processing the archaeological finding.
California could be broke by July, state official warns

California could run out of money as soon as July, the Legislature's chief budget analyst warned Thursday, as a new poll showed voters poised to reject five budget-related measures on the May 19 ballot.
If the propositions do not pass, the state could find itself as much as $23 billion short of the money it needs to pay its bills over the next year, according to a new forecast by Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor. The poll, from the Public Policy Institute of California, found that even as voter interest in the ballot measures rises, all are trailing except the sixth one -- Proposition 1F, which would bar pay hikes for lawmakers in deficit years.
The other measures would provide the state with as much as $6 billion in the coming year through borrowing against the California State Lottery and temporarily reducing some social services.
As the ballot measures lag in the polls, the administration of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has begun revealing the cuts it is weighing as an alternative.
On Thursday, the administration advised law enforcement officials that it was preparing plans to commute the sentences of 38,000 state prison inmates, including all illegal immigrants. It also is considering closing some prisons and sending inmates to county jails, according to a copy of the proposal obtained by The Times.
"It's all about fear," said Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. "This week it's firefighters; next week they'll threaten school closures."
The only measure that voters back widely would do little to help the state budget -- but it would send a clear message to Sacramento. The poll found that 73% plan to vote for Proposition 1F, which would freeze the salaries of lawmakers in deficit years. [... :D ...]
If the propositions do not pass, the state could find itself as much as $23 billion short of the money it needs to pay its bills over the next year, according to a new forecast by Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor. The poll, from the Public Policy Institute of California, found that even as voter interest in the ballot measures rises, all are trailing except the sixth one -- Proposition 1F, which would bar pay hikes for lawmakers in deficit years.
The other measures would provide the state with as much as $6 billion in the coming year through borrowing against the California State Lottery and temporarily reducing some social services.
As the ballot measures lag in the polls, the administration of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has begun revealing the cuts it is weighing as an alternative.
On Thursday, the administration advised law enforcement officials that it was preparing plans to commute the sentences of 38,000 state prison inmates, including all illegal immigrants. It also is considering closing some prisons and sending inmates to county jails, according to a copy of the proposal obtained by The Times.
"It's all about fear," said Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. "This week it's firefighters; next week they'll threaten school closures."
The only measure that voters back widely would do little to help the state budget -- but it would send a clear message to Sacramento. The poll found that 73% plan to vote for Proposition 1F, which would freeze the salaries of lawmakers in deficit years. [... :D ...]
UFO investigators reveal possible otherworldly relic
[The aluminum silicate 'something' found by Chuck Zukowski.]
[Remember the strange rock found in 2004, also from Roswell's crash site. And the crop circle that appeared in Chisledon, Wiltshire, UK in 1996. Interesting resemblance!]

UFO investigators held a press conference at the Roswell Civic and Convention Center on Thursday to announce that they found ... something.
"At this point, we don't know what it was or why it was there," said UFO investigator Chuck Zukowski. "I don't want to speculate."
"We want to announce to the world that this stuff needs further analysis," explained Dr. Bill Doleman, a retired archaeologist who supervised the dig where the items were found.
The artifacts were discovered in 2002 during a dig sponsored by the Sci Fi Channel, at a site where some eyewitnesses say a mysterious craft ricocheted off the ground in 1947.
Zukowski said it took years for them to figure out whether they could run tests on the items.
Zukowski said he determined that the artifact was mostly aluminum silicate. Other elements showed up in the sample, but he believes they are mostly from the microscope's surroundings or dirt that clung to the object.
Doleman said that aluminum silicate is not uncommon in nature, but the item was found on a limestone plateau, which is mostly calcium carbonate. There seemed to be nothing around that would contain or produce the compound.
"We know this thing definitely is not organic, number one," he concluded. "Number two, we know it's not indigenous."
The items that Doleman found most interesting were some orange blobs of material. Assaigai Analytical Laboratories Inc. in Albuquerque found that they were modacrylic adhesive, a heat-resistant synthetic copolymer. The Union Carbide Corporation was the first to produce modacrylic fiber in 1949.
Zukowski said the modacrylic adhesive might tie into an eyewitness account. One of the volunteer excavators was Nancy Easly Johnson, daughter of Maj. Edwin Easly, who was allegedly at the crash site. Easly told Johnson little about the incident, but mentioned orange debris.
Read more..."At this point, we don't know what it was or why it was there," said UFO investigator Chuck Zukowski. "I don't want to speculate."
"We want to announce to the world that this stuff needs further analysis," explained Dr. Bill Doleman, a retired archaeologist who supervised the dig where the items were found.
The artifacts were discovered in 2002 during a dig sponsored by the Sci Fi Channel, at a site where some eyewitnesses say a mysterious craft ricocheted off the ground in 1947.
Zukowski said it took years for them to figure out whether they could run tests on the items.
Zukowski said he determined that the artifact was mostly aluminum silicate. Other elements showed up in the sample, but he believes they are mostly from the microscope's surroundings or dirt that clung to the object.
Doleman said that aluminum silicate is not uncommon in nature, but the item was found on a limestone plateau, which is mostly calcium carbonate. There seemed to be nothing around that would contain or produce the compound.
"We know this thing definitely is not organic, number one," he concluded. "Number two, we know it's not indigenous."
The items that Doleman found most interesting were some orange blobs of material. Assaigai Analytical Laboratories Inc. in Albuquerque found that they were modacrylic adhesive, a heat-resistant synthetic copolymer. The Union Carbide Corporation was the first to produce modacrylic fiber in 1949.
Zukowski said the modacrylic adhesive might tie into an eyewitness account. One of the volunteer excavators was Nancy Easly Johnson, daughter of Maj. Edwin Easly, who was allegedly at the crash site. Easly told Johnson little about the incident, but mentioned orange debris.
[Remember the strange rock found in 2004, also from Roswell's crash site. And the crop circle that appeared in Chisledon, Wiltshire, UK in 1996. Interesting resemblance!]

The flu leaves us with a wake-up call [A Biased Appraisal by Henry I. Miller]
By Henry I. Miller*

For the entire article, go to chicagotribune.com
By Henry I. Miller*

Just when concerns about H5N1 avian flu seemed to give way to other worries -- especially the flagging economy -- a new strain of H1N1 swine flu swept into our consciousness. Its most recent predations, and the responses to them, led virtually every newscast for two weeks.
Characteristically, pronouncements from the World Health Organization, an agency of the highly politicized and self-serving UN, have not been reassuring. Most flu and public health experts consider that their decision last week to raise the pandemic flu threat to the penultimate Level 5, "Pandemic Imminent," far outpaced the data and was alarmist and unwarranted. The "imminence" of a pandemic has pushed governmental authorities and individuals into unwise decisions: unnecessary school, business and event closings and purchases of anti-flu drugs on the Internet -- as often as not, a source of counterfeits. But flawed decision-making is typical of the WHO, an organization that is scientifically mediocre, unaccountable and self-serving, and whose policy role should be limited. [Why?]
Although pandemic strains of flu often are both qualitatively and quantitatively much worse than the seasonal flu viruses, the H1N1 virus causing the current outbreak seems to be relatively benign. Except for Mexico (for reasons that remain unclear), illnesses have generally been mild, hospitalizations few, and mortality minimal. Where are we, then, after about two weeks of accumulated knowledge and widespread publicity about the outbreak? For one thing, we're bedeviled by cost-benefit decisions of all sorts. Only hindsight will pick the winners and losers, but it appears that U.S. public health officials -- particularly those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health -- have acted with appropriate judgment and restraint: They continue to accumulate, analyze and disseminate information and to offer advice to the public and health professionals. They are preparing for a worsening of the situation but are not overreacting. They have made testing kits widely available around the country and abroad. Their research laboratories are working around the clock, performing sequencing and other analyses of swine flu isolates, and they are preparing contingency plans should the situation change suddenly. Perhaps most important, they are not making dubious, alarmist pronouncements. [Really?? So it's just an illusion created by the media? Geez....]
*Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D., is a fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. A physician, molecular biologist and former flu researcher[?], he headed the Food and Drug Administration Office of Biotechnology from 1989 to 1993. [In other words, Mr. Miller joined the Food and Drug Administration in 1979 and served in a number of posts. He was the medical reviewer for the first genetically engineered drugs evaluated by the FDA and was instrumental in the rapid licensing (Meaning, without following the proper protocols for licensing...don't forget who were the presidents during the time Miller was in the FDA) of human insulin and human growth hormone. Thereafter, he was a special assistant to the FDA commissioner, with responsibility for biotechnology issues, and from 1989 to 1993 was the founding director of the FDA's Office of Biotechnology. During his government service, Miller participated frequently on various expert and policy panels as a representative of the FDA or the U.S. government. Miller was short-listed in 2006 by the editors of Nature Biotechnology as one of the personalities who had made the "most significant contributions" to biotechnology during the previous 10 years. Miller serves on numerous editorial boards and is an adjunct scholar at several thinktanks...Scary credentials, knowing what we know today][...]
Characteristically, pronouncements from the World Health Organization, an agency of the highly politicized and self-serving UN, have not been reassuring. Most flu and public health experts consider that their decision last week to raise the pandemic flu threat to the penultimate Level 5, "Pandemic Imminent," far outpaced the data and was alarmist and unwarranted. The "imminence" of a pandemic has pushed governmental authorities and individuals into unwise decisions: unnecessary school, business and event closings and purchases of anti-flu drugs on the Internet -- as often as not, a source of counterfeits. But flawed decision-making is typical of the WHO, an organization that is scientifically mediocre, unaccountable and self-serving, and whose policy role should be limited. [Why?]
Although pandemic strains of flu often are both qualitatively and quantitatively much worse than the seasonal flu viruses, the H1N1 virus causing the current outbreak seems to be relatively benign. Except for Mexico (for reasons that remain unclear), illnesses have generally been mild, hospitalizations few, and mortality minimal. Where are we, then, after about two weeks of accumulated knowledge and widespread publicity about the outbreak? For one thing, we're bedeviled by cost-benefit decisions of all sorts. Only hindsight will pick the winners and losers, but it appears that U.S. public health officials -- particularly those at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health -- have acted with appropriate judgment and restraint: They continue to accumulate, analyze and disseminate information and to offer advice to the public and health professionals. They are preparing for a worsening of the situation but are not overreacting. They have made testing kits widely available around the country and abroad. Their research laboratories are working around the clock, performing sequencing and other analyses of swine flu isolates, and they are preparing contingency plans should the situation change suddenly. Perhaps most important, they are not making dubious, alarmist pronouncements. [Really?? So it's just an illusion created by the media? Geez....]
For the entire article, go to chicagotribune.com
Anaconda Wave Power Generator
Giant rubber sea snakes could harness the plentiful clean power off Britain's coasts within five years, according to the inventors of a new type of wave-energy generator.
Checkmate Sea Energy unveiled the final stages of a proof-of-concept trial of its Anaconda device, seen by many experts as at the forefront of the next generation of robust, cheap wave-power machines that could slash the costs of making renewable electricity.
Made from a composite of fabric and natural rubber, the Anaconda rides oncoming waves and uses the motion to drive a turbine in its tail. The test device is nine metres long but its developers say that a full-scale device could be up to 200m in length and be capable of producing 1MW of power, enough for a thousand homes, and cost £2m to build. Farms of 50 or more could be placed underwater a few miles from the coast.
Checkmate Sea Energy unveiled the final stages of a proof-of-concept trial of its Anaconda device, seen by many experts as at the forefront of the next generation of robust, cheap wave-power machines that could slash the costs of making renewable electricity.
Made from a composite of fabric and natural rubber, the Anaconda rides oncoming waves and uses the motion to drive a turbine in its tail. The test device is nine metres long but its developers say that a full-scale device could be up to 200m in length and be capable of producing 1MW of power, enough for a thousand homes, and cost £2m to build. Farms of 50 or more could be placed underwater a few miles from the coast.
Empieza la mayor subasta de dominios web en español
·129 nombres de páginas se ofrecen al mejor postor durante siete días en internet
·Las principales ofertas del primer día fueron para xxx.es, gay.es y anunciar.es [...y así seguimos...]

·Las principales ofertas del primer día fueron para xxx.es, gay.es y anunciar.es [...y así seguimos...]

Más de un centenar de dominios de internet en español esperan al mejor postor desde ayer. Se trata de la mayor subasta de nombres de webs en este idioma, según asegura la empresa que la lleva a cabo, Sedo, plataforma internacional de compraventa de dominios, con sede en Colonia (Alemania).
En la lista de los 129 dominios a la venta figuran algunos nombres estrella, como descargas.com, ingles.es y afiliados.com. Son nombres genéricos, cortos y fáciles de recordar, ingredientes principales para que puedan considerarse dominios de calidad. También figuran nombres con terminaciones de países latinoamericanos, especialmente de México (.mx) y Argentina (.ar). "Nunca se ha hecho una subasta tan grande de este tipo, ni en número de dominios ni en calidad ni en precio de reserva", afirma Iván Díaz, responsable de Grandes Cuentas de España de Sedo.
El pistoletazo de salida se dio ayer a las seis de la tarde, cuando la web de Sedo registró los primeros movimientos de los compradores. A los cinco minutos, gay.es encabezaba la lista de los más demandados, con una oferta de 9.000 euros. Una hora después, aunque una puja aumentó a 10.000, había sido desbancado por xxx.es (por el que ofrecían 26.500 euros). Anunciar.es completaba el podio, con 9.900 euros. Ninguno de los tres, sin embargo, alcanzaba el precio de reserva. "Las pujas más fuertes vienen al final", matiza Díaz. Es previsible que cuando se cierre la subasta, el próximo jueves, 14, las cifras serán muy superiores. Sedo confía en adjudicar, al final del proceso, más de 90 dominios.
Leer más...
En la lista de los 129 dominios a la venta figuran algunos nombres estrella, como descargas.com, ingles.es y afiliados.com. Son nombres genéricos, cortos y fáciles de recordar, ingredientes principales para que puedan considerarse dominios de calidad. También figuran nombres con terminaciones de países latinoamericanos, especialmente de México (.mx) y Argentina (.ar). "Nunca se ha hecho una subasta tan grande de este tipo, ni en número de dominios ni en calidad ni en precio de reserva", afirma Iván Díaz, responsable de Grandes Cuentas de España de Sedo.
El pistoletazo de salida se dio ayer a las seis de la tarde, cuando la web de Sedo registró los primeros movimientos de los compradores. A los cinco minutos, gay.es encabezaba la lista de los más demandados, con una oferta de 9.000 euros. Una hora después, aunque una puja aumentó a 10.000, había sido desbancado por xxx.es (por el que ofrecían 26.500 euros). Anunciar.es completaba el podio, con 9.900 euros. Ninguno de los tres, sin embargo, alcanzaba el precio de reserva. "Las pujas más fuertes vienen al final", matiza Díaz. Es previsible que cuando se cierre la subasta, el próximo jueves, 14, las cifras serán muy superiores. Sedo confía en adjudicar, al final del proceso, más de 90 dominios.
EEUU y Rusia consideran prioritario avanzar hacia el desarme nuclear
·Clinton y Lavrov coinciden en que la crisis de Georgia no afectará el diálogo sobre el START.
·Obama escenifica la reconciliación con Moscú al recibir al ministro de relaciones exteriores en la Casa Blanca.

[Bueno, lo anterior está claro que es de cara a la galería, porque...]
Los combates causan un éxodo masivo en el norte de Pakistán
·Más de 40.000 personas, atrapadas entre dos fuegos, huyen en dos días.
·Obama escenifica la reconciliación con Moscú al recibir al ministro de relaciones exteriores en la Casa Blanca.

La Administración de Barack Obama se estrenó con la oferta a Rusia de apretar "el botón de reinicio" en las relaciones entre ambos países. Esta voluntad de tender puentes para evitar lo que en los coletazos de la era Bush se llegó a llamar una segunda guerra fría empezó a plasmarse ayer en Washington, capital que visitó el ministro de Exteriores ruso, Sergei Lavrov. En un gesto de consideración poco habitual, Lavrov fue recibido en la Casa Blanca por Barack Obama sin ser un jefe de Estado ni de Gobierno. Antes, Lavrov se reunió con su homóloga, Hillary Clinton, y ambos mostraron su voluntad de "elevar la relación entre ambos países a un nuevo nivel", en palabras de la secretaria de Estado. Este nuevo clima se resume en la voluntad de renovar el Tratado de Reducción de Armas Estratégicas (START en sus siglas en inglés).
Leer más...[Bueno, lo anterior está claro que es de cara a la galería, porque...]
Los combates causan un éxodo masivo en el norte de Pakistán
·Más de 40.000 personas, atrapadas entre dos fuegos, huyen en dos días.
El temor a una grave crisis humana se disparó ayer en el noroeste de Pakistán a medida que se intensificaban los combates en el distrito de Swat entre el Ejército paquistaní y las milicias talibanes [Recordad que las milicias talibanes siempre han estado al servicio de la CIA]. Más de 40.000 civiles han tenido que huir de sus hogares entre el martes y el miércoles debido a los bombardeos de cazas paquistanís en los bastiones islamistas del valle. "La crisis humana se amplifica", admitieron fuentes del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR).
Leer más en elperiodico.com
La principal empresa de mercenarios deja Iraq
·Blackwater deja Iraq, pero sus agentes hallan empleo en la firma sucesora. [Menos mal! Que con los tiempos que corren...'no dejaremos ningún mercenario en la cuneta'!]
·Blackwater selló su destino con un incidente en Bagdad que causó 17 muertos. [No sé vosotros, pero esta cifra se me hace, como decirlo, engañosa?]
·La guerra se privatiza por la sofisticación tecnológica y la competencia salarial. [Así que al final no se trata de 'patriotismo'. Guerras privatizadas...significa que los intereses en la guerra son privados!]

La subcontratación de la guerra continúa bajo la Administración Obama, aunque se intente limpiar la imagen. Desde ayer, la compañía Blackwater -rebautizada en enero pasado como Xe- ha dejado de prestar sus servicios de seguridad en Bagdad, si bien continuará un par de meses más trabajando en ciudades del sur y llevando a cabo misiones aéreas. A Xe la sustituye otra empresa similar, Triple Canopy, muchos de cuyos empleados son curtidos profesionales procedentes de... Blackwater. [Con lo que nada cambia!]
La salida formal de Blackwater fue decidida por las autoridades iraquíes después del incidente de septiembre del 2007 en Bagdad, en el que resultaron muertos 17 civiles. La compañía, con sede en Carolina del Norte, se convirtió en un símbolo de la impunidad y la arrogancia de los ocupantes. En su afán por proteger al personal diplomático norteamericano, los mercenarios no se andaban con contemplaciones a la hora de disparar contra iraquíes inocentes si había la mera sospecha de que tenían intenciones hostiles. Blackwater también ha pagado un precio alto: 27 de sus empleados han dejado su vida en Mesopotamia. [Sí, sí...altísimo!]
El nuevo contrato del Departamento de Estado con Triple Canopy, radicada en Virginia, le supondrá a esta unos ingresos cercanos a los mil millones de dólares. Xe, estigmatizada por su experiencia iraquí, ha reorientado su negocio hacia el adiestramiento de militares y policías.
Leer más...
·Blackwater selló su destino con un incidente en Bagdad que causó 17 muertos. [No sé vosotros, pero esta cifra se me hace, como decirlo, engañosa?]
·La guerra se privatiza por la sofisticación tecnológica y la competencia salarial. [Así que al final no se trata de 'patriotismo'. Guerras privatizadas...significa que los intereses en la guerra son privados!]

La subcontratación de la guerra continúa bajo la Administración Obama, aunque se intente limpiar la imagen. Desde ayer, la compañía Blackwater -rebautizada en enero pasado como Xe- ha dejado de prestar sus servicios de seguridad en Bagdad, si bien continuará un par de meses más trabajando en ciudades del sur y llevando a cabo misiones aéreas. A Xe la sustituye otra empresa similar, Triple Canopy, muchos de cuyos empleados son curtidos profesionales procedentes de... Blackwater. [Con lo que nada cambia!]
La salida formal de Blackwater fue decidida por las autoridades iraquíes después del incidente de septiembre del 2007 en Bagdad, en el que resultaron muertos 17 civiles. La compañía, con sede en Carolina del Norte, se convirtió en un símbolo de la impunidad y la arrogancia de los ocupantes. En su afán por proteger al personal diplomático norteamericano, los mercenarios no se andaban con contemplaciones a la hora de disparar contra iraquíes inocentes si había la mera sospecha de que tenían intenciones hostiles. Blackwater también ha pagado un precio alto: 27 de sus empleados han dejado su vida en Mesopotamia. [Sí, sí...altísimo!]
El nuevo contrato del Departamento de Estado con Triple Canopy, radicada en Virginia, le supondrá a esta unos ingresos cercanos a los mil millones de dólares. Xe, estigmatizada por su experiencia iraquí, ha reorientado su negocio hacia el adiestramiento de militares y policías.
Leer más...
triple canopy,
Los derechos de emisión de CO2 crea un mercado abierto a inversionistas
·Los derechos de emisión de CO2 se han estabilizado en 12 euros la tonelada.[!!!]
·Las instalaciones emitieron, el 2008, 10 millones de toneladas más de lo asignado.[!!!]
·Financieros, bancos o inversionistas pueden comprar los derechos del aire limpio.[!!!]

[Otra noticia...]
Japón quiere comprar derechos de emisión de CO2 a Ucrania
·Las instalaciones emitieron, el 2008, 10 millones de toneladas más de lo asignado.[!!!]
·Financieros, bancos o inversionistas pueden comprar los derechos del aire limpio.[!!!]

El aire limpio cotiza en los mercados. Las toneladas de dióxido de carbono no arrojadas al aire forman parte de los nuevos valores económicos y culturales. La necesidad de luchar contra los gases invernadero [Recordad que el sol, y no el CO2, controla los cambios climáticos! Para más info, ir a Heliogenic Climate Change] ha puesto precio al aire sano para el clima. Y así los derechos de emisión de CO2 de las empresas, concedidos por el Gobierno y autorizados por la UE, son tan preciados como el oro, la plata, el precio del barril de petróleo o el Ibex 35.
El sistema fue diseñado para que las empresas cumplan[Cómo? Pagando?!] con el protocolo contra el cambio climático [...no existe tal cosa. Lo que si está pasando con le clima es un proceso cíclico por el que la Tierra, junto con todo el sistema solar, ya ha pasado antes...son ciclos periódicos], pero los intermediarios en la compraventa -brókers del aire limpio- afirman que los derechos pueden ser un refugio de capitales y una opción de inversión posible no sólo para las empresas, sino para los fondos de inversión y los particulares. Su valor constante y sonante se deriva de los planes nacionales de asignación, a través de los cuales 1.091 factorías en España y 12.000 en la UE reciben cupos comercializables para arrojar CO2 al aire.[!!!!!]
Así lo fija la directiva que regula estos permisos (que afecta a plantas térmicas, cementeras, refinerías, vidrieras, papeleras y demás). Si al acabar el año estas industrias superan los derechos asignados, pueden acudir al mercado a comprar los que les falten; y si les sobran cupos, tienen la opción de venderlos a las que los demanden. [Esta es la gran pista de que el cambio climático es una gran mentira: todo lo arreglan con dinero...y ya se sabe cómo funciona esto...solo hay que mirar lo que ha estado pasando con los bancos...]
Leer más sobre esta infamia...El sistema fue diseñado para que las empresas cumplan[Cómo? Pagando?!] con el protocolo contra el cambio climático [...no existe tal cosa. Lo que si está pasando con le clima es un proceso cíclico por el que la Tierra, junto con todo el sistema solar, ya ha pasado antes...son ciclos periódicos], pero los intermediarios en la compraventa -brókers del aire limpio- afirman que los derechos pueden ser un refugio de capitales y una opción de inversión posible no sólo para las empresas, sino para los fondos de inversión y los particulares. Su valor constante y sonante se deriva de los planes nacionales de asignación, a través de los cuales 1.091 factorías en España y 12.000 en la UE reciben cupos comercializables para arrojar CO2 al aire.[!!!!!]
Así lo fija la directiva que regula estos permisos (que afecta a plantas térmicas, cementeras, refinerías, vidrieras, papeleras y demás). Si al acabar el año estas industrias superan los derechos asignados, pueden acudir al mercado a comprar los que les falten; y si les sobran cupos, tienen la opción de venderlos a las que los demanden. [Esta es la gran pista de que el cambio climático es una gran mentira: todo lo arreglan con dinero...y ya se sabe cómo funciona esto...solo hay que mirar lo que ha estado pasando con los bancos...]
[Otra noticia...]
Japón quiere comprar derechos de emisión de CO2 a Ucrania
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