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The Book of Enoch, celestials & extraterrestrials

Celestials have been described in religious-historical texts as transcendental entities that have intervened in human civilization in the form of guardians and protectors. Celestials have played leading roles in helping humanity deal with extraterrestrial entities or other life forms that have the power to significantly impact on human civilization. Celestials appear to play critical roles in helping resolve conflicts associated with the use of advanced technologies. In some cases, celestials have directly intervened against extraterrestrial entities that have violated what appear to be universal norms such as non-intervention and the diffusion of advanced technologies to unprepared populations.
The apocryphal Book of Enoch vividly illustrates the complex relationship between celestials, extraterrestrials and humanity. In the Book of Enoch, a group of 200 extraterrestrial entities called the ‘Nephilim’, or ‘fallen angels’, come to Earth allegedly due to their attraction to human females. The Nephilim subsequently begin to interact with humanity by interbreeding:
[Ch. 6:1] And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto [2] them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men [3] and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not [4] indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.'
Whereas extraterrestrials are depicted as teachers of advanced technologies and civilization, celestials are depicted as instruments of universal will and high ethical standards. In the process of teaching advanced technologies to humanity, the extraterrestrials have fomented much devastating warfare and suffering that has led to humanity lamenting to heaven for relief. The Book of Enoch describes the conflict that then occurs between the Nephilim and a group ‘righteous’ angelic entities or ‘celestials’:
[Ch. 9:1] And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being [2] shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. … And they [the Nephilim] have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the [9] women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have [10] borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness.
Each of the celestials or archangels is given specific instructions in dealing with Nephilim/Watchers by the transcendental “Most High” described in the Book of Enoch. The archangel Raphael is tasked to bind and imprison one of the leading Nephilim also described as one of the fallen angels, and to heal the earth. The celestials have the power to manipulate the extraterrestrials to destroy themselves, in much the same way the extraterrestrials or Nephilim have fomented war and strife among humanity. The ancient wars fought among the extraterrestrials that used advanced weapons that destroyed their cities are described by the researchers Zecharia Sitchin and Joseph Farrell. Finally, the Archangel Michael is asked to capture the leader of fallen angels, Semjaza, and his cohorts, and imprison them in hidden locations throughout the Earth:
[Ch. 10:11]… And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves [12] with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is [13] for ever and ever is consummated…. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end: and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth' shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.
The Book of Enoch describes a situation not unlike what exists in the contemporary era in terms of secret agreements between government/corporate entities with some extraterrestrial groups. These agreements have resulted in bizarre genetic experiments, massive violations of human rights and widespread manipulation of human society. Clearly, humanity has not yet developed the necessary ethical standards to be able to responsibly use advanced extraterrestrial technologies. Will history repeat itself with celestials directly intervening in human affairs to end the influence of a small but historically influential group of extraterrestrials collaborating with human elites?

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