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Obama's first 100 days take sharp turn from Bush era

·During Obama's recent overseas trip, a student in Istanbul told him that "some say just the face has changed" in the White House, but the "core is the same."[A lot of people are saying this, now a days...]
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WASHINGTON — In his first 100 days in office, President Obama has not hesitated to chart a different course than his predecessor, George W. Bush.
Bush focused on the Iraq war; Obama has placed more of an emphasis on Afghanistan[What?! So the problem is, apparently, the geography?]. Obama wants the government to have a role in reshaping the nation's health care system; Bush preferred to take smaller steps so individuals could buy private health insurance.
Then there's personal style; the cool, African-American lawyer from Chicago, and the back-slapping white rancher from Texas.[Very important difference! :( ]
"It's Mars and Venus," says Thomas Mann, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, a Washington, D.C., think tank. "It's hard to find a more different contrast between the presidents."
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