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Sex, Drugs & Religion

Sex, Drugs & Re­li­gion is a 71 mi­nu­te look in­to the wa­cky world of re­li­gion. Tar­ge­ting groups from Cat­ho­lics to Bap­tists, this mo­vie ex­po­ses the idiocy that is as­so­cia­ted to re­li­gion in ge­ne­ral. Sex, Drugs & Re­li­gion is the fourth film re­lea­se from B.A. Brooks and is qui­ckly cau­sing qui­te a stir in re­li­gious com­mu­ni­ties across the glo­be, whi­le al­so hai­ling ac­claim as a very en­ter­tai­ning, and in­sight­ful film ex­pe­rien­ce by so­me see­min­gly mo­re open min­ded in­di­vi­duals. In any ca­se, so­me­ti­mes the truth is hard to ac­cept but if you can not be ho­nest with your­self then just may­be this is not the film for you, but if you are ready to ta­ke a co­me­dic jour­ney in­to the cos­mos then sit ba­ck and fas­ten your seat belt.

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