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$10,000 reward offered for scientific proof of H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness

No Vaccines! - www.naturalnews.com
In conjunction with NaturalNews, the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (www.ConsumerWellness.org) has publicly offered a $10,000 reward for any person, company or institution who can provide trusted, scientific evidence proving that any of the FDA-approved H1N1 vaccines being offered to Americans right now are both safe and effective.
Vaccine promoters keep citing their "science" in claiming that H1N1 vaccines are safe and effective. NaturalNews and the CWC ask one simple question: Where is this science?
This is not a satire story or a parody. This $10,000 reward for scientific proof of the H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness is being offered in all seriousness. The offer is valid through March 31, 2010.
If proof of the H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness is produced in accordance with the reasonable requirements published here, NaturalNews will publish a public apology regarding our condemnation of H1N1 vaccines and issue a $10,000 check to the winner of the reward within five business days.
The $10,000 reward will be issued to anyone who can produce scientific evidence meeting the following criteria: [criteria here]

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