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Sapiens Rising: Beyond The Babel Factor

· A Manifesto for the Children of the 21st Century ·
by Neil Freer
"This era of global transition will result in the redesign of the fundamentals of human activity. People and organizations that look for new ways to deal with unprecedented events will be better prepared to survive and prosper. To be part of that group, you must be willing to unleash yourself from the past and be willing to take risks. You must objectively search for novel tools and perspectives."
· John Petersen ·

Part 1
The Status Quo: Totem and Taboos and You ... and I

Our planet, this agonizingly beautiful little planet, is on hold. Seeking relief and release, in a perverse ecology we recycle outmoded, primitive paradigms, shuffling our feathers-and-molasses confusion between hands. In a time when we are required to deal with the politics of non-overlapping alien realities, we are not able to resolve the separations caused by our overlapping intra-species realities. It has rendered us theologically inane, philosophically naive, scientifically cramped, socially isolated, ecologically damaged, politically challenged and intellectually bewildered.
It is clearly evident, after thousands of years of trial and disastrous errors, that the relief and release from our racially adolescent immaturity we seek as individuals and as a planetary species will not come from yet another econopolitical experiment, yet another U.N. negotiated conflict resolution, religious ecumenical conference, new age vision, academic philosophy, imposition of theocracy, new constitutional political format, much less some new twist on the MAD scenario, or war to end all wars.
The purpose of this paper is to point out an overarching new paradigm that redefines and, thereby, resolves and supercedes the most fundamental cause of the divisions and conflicts between us and illuminates the now and future trajectory of the new planetary human.
A very fundamental, critical question, therefore: Is it even possible to arrive at an overarching new planetary paradigm so comprehensive and robust that it corrects, subsumes, completes and outmodes all previous partial paradigms, explains all our previous explanations, with the scope and power to unify and pacify the planet? Unequivocally, yes. We are not incapable of getting off “maybe”. We are blocked only by primitive, antique legacies and the way to expunge them from the fabric of our cultures is now available to us.
How adolescent a species are we?
More of Part 1...

"What is emerging now is a sense that something else -- neither mechanistic (Darwin) nor theistic (the Bible) -- is going on. But mainstream science will have none of this ambiguity, and reactively tars all non-Darwinian notions with the broad brush of 'biblical superstition'. The net result has become a sort of silly high drama in which one flavor of pseudoscience attempts to do battle with another."
· John Anthony West ·

Part 2
The Primary Key to Unlocking the Locked-in Legacies

While the evolutionists and the creationists have been battling it out through dramatic episodes of the Scopes soaps, another explanatory paradigm has been developing exponentially which subsumes, corrects, and makes obsolet, -specifically relative to the human species- both of those rather primitive paradigms. While the scientific imperialists and the religious dogmatists have thought that they owned the discussion by proprietarily boxing the argument and defining the binary options, the Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, has advanced a robust and coherent paradigm of our genesis and unique history that, if true, ----- and I am convinced that it is after working critically with it for 28 years ----- is profound, comprehensive, and fundamental enough to enable us to rewrite the entire history of our beginnings and the planet astronomically, evolutionarily, paleontologically, archaeologically and, literally, redefine ourselves as humans. Sitchin’s thesis illuminates that antique conflict with Nobel prize quality research, renders the, by now, Monty Pythonesque arguments outmoded, subsumes and corrects creationism, redefines Darwinism as well as its latter day detractions. He has been able to do this because he reads Sumerian as well as the Semitic languages including ancient and Modern Hebrew, and is steeped in the history. He has had the advantage of access to the accumulated scholarship and archaeological material from the Middle East rediscovered only in the last one hundred and fifty years.

Our Genesis Revisited: The Sitchin Paradigm

Zecharia Sitchin, one of two hundred Sumerian scholars on the planet who can read a cuneiform clay tablet like you and I can read a newspaper, has demonstrated that the Anunnaki/Nefilim (Sumerian/Hebrew: those who came down [from the heavens] ) , the transcultural “gods” known to all the ancient civilizations from the tenth planet in our solar system, Nibiru, colonized Earth 432,000 years ago and created the human species 200,000 years ago, by genetically crossing their genes with Homo Erectus. Corroboration comes from evidence for Planet X/Nibiru from the Naval Observatory , the Infrared search by the IRAS satellite in ‘83-’84; genetically from the mitochondrial DNA "search for Eve"; anthropologically from the "out of Africa" data placing our genesis in Central Africa 200,000 years; enigmatic ooparts and close to two million pieces of artifact and documentation recovered directly from the ancient civilizations. Our modern science has provided a means of identifying advanced science in the ancient past previously thought of as fantastic even for us. The advances in our scientific discoveries in genetics, mitochondrial DNA research, space and planetary science, archaeology, paleontology, anthropology, and linguistics as well as even the physics of metallurgy have enabled Sitchin to demystify the advanced technologies of the Anunnaki and identify and explain ooparts . We have progressed from being their slave animals to limited partnership and, since they phased off Earth, are now phasing out of a 3000 year traumatic transition to racial independence, a rapid metamorphic process, under the imperative of our advanced Nefilim genetic component.
Central to the history of the Anunnaki’s occupation of the planet was the interaction between two brothers, Enlil and Enki. Enki was their chief scientist who was responsible, with his sister Ninhursag, their chief medical officer, for the genetic creation of our species. Enki, obviously, was sympathetic towards humans and promoted our interests and us. Enlil, eventually known as Jehovah/YHWH, of the Old Testament, maintained the position that humans were to remain slaves, totally subservient to the Anunnaki and him especially.
More of Part 2...

Part 3
The New Human

We need to think about what it is like to be a member of a synthesized species which is going through a special case of evolution, a rapid metamorphosis, where we can actually determine our own evolutionary direction, when the ramifications of that unthinkable thought are now about to bring about a turning point in our history. It is about the new civilization we are about to create out of the new planetary vision.

Let us postulate that we have broken the godspell, we have arrived at a consensual, planetary, understanding and definition of the generic human as a genetically engineered species now coming out of racial adolescence into species first maturity, the individual cognizant of the ability to control and direct the nature and trajectory of his and her own personal evolution and able and expected to contribute to the collective consciousness and determination of the racial evolutionary trajectory.
The awareness and comprehension of this fundamental, generic, racial self knowledge, I have called 'genetic enlightenment'. By 'genetic enlightenment' I mean what it is like once you have broken the godspell, the deepest dye in the fabrics of both Eastern and Western culture. Many seemingly enigmatic items are resolved and there is a great deal to be done. It becomes immediately clear that we can move beyond both eastern and western metaphor; beyond religion, atheism, the old new age; beyond Jungian archetypal and mythological interpretation, beyond our strange, dangerous and contradictory mix of mammalian, turfish, violent theo-political politics and compassionate ideals. We will finally be ready for alien contact and interaction and matriculation into stellar society. We can reach a planetary unity we have never known before and a peace so profound it will be almost humorous. How long will it take? Probably as long as we have lived under our Constitution.
More of Part 3...
[Source: www.neilfreer.com]

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