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Update[s] by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

8 Ben, 16 Pop, 5 Caban
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for, 'Be One! Be in Joy!') We come before you on this special day with a lot to discuss! Everywhere your world is going through a series of important changes. These changes to your reality are a precursor to a greatly transformed realm. These include the way your planetary grid is being realigned. The former fully conscious grid is starting to appear in your atmosphere as strangely timed patterns that seem at first to be tied to the energy streams originating from the Sun. In fact, these are vortexes that are spreading the key nodal points which are to anchor in the new fully conscious grid once the Sun and Mother Earth return to full consciousness. These grids are to extend throughout the planet and will link up with the new electrogravitic grids that are to hold the newly revitalized solar system in place. This process involves interdimensional forces not yet understood by your scientists. Once their thinking moves beyond its present quantum framework into a true spiritual and holistic concept of physicality, this 'strangeness' can begin to make sense to them.
Vast patterns that appear unrelated actually are, because of the interdimensional links between them. Divine Light and Love are the means by which all of this was originally manifested. One notion you need to move beyond is the ludicrous Big Bang theory of creation. Creation began as a series of interlocking states that manifested all that you see and, as of yet, cannot see.
Creation is a combination of unique elements united by means that seem 'odd' and yet in the long run are quite definable. They work in very predictable ways. Knowing this, we can re-create these patterns in matter and bring forth a very suitable and quite natural technology.
This new paradigm is being birthed in all the various disciplines that make up your present science. Researchers are starting to see that discoveries in one area actually have far more relevance in another, quite unrelated area of science. This cross-fertilization is a vital element in your search for a new paradigm. Scientists and many interdisciplinary researchers are coming together at international conferences and putting these new puzzle-pieces together.
The integrity of your sciences, as you know them, is collapsing; yet, in public, their members continue to profess a set of beliefs that no longer hold water. This dichotomy cannot go on much longer. Further, the changes happening to each of you can no longer remain veiled by a massive scientific cover-up. The truth needs to come out and a new paradigm formally proclaimed.
This moment in your history can be regarded as an epoch in which humanity learned some fundamental truths about itself and was able to accept them whole-heartedly. It is not easy, whilst in limited consciousness, to contemplate the coming wonders of full consciousness.
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2 Ahau, 3 Uo, 5 Caban
Beneficial change is being sensed on some level by just about everyone on your world. The world you have known for centuries is in a state of collapse. The 'recovery' being promulgated is an illusion. Certain factors just now starting to appear are to rapidly submerge this notion.
Full consciousness is the divine goal. The Creator decrees that your reality is to transform into a fully conscious one. This is to happen relatively quickly. Many astonishing things are happening throughout the galaxy and in your solar system, and these changes are being scrutinized by your scientists. The reality you currently know is rapidly becoming something quite different. We are seeing all this take place before our very eyes and observe closely as the galaxy shifts back into a unified, multidimensional state. The growing activity within the galactic core and the energy streamers being expelled from the core are two aspects of this. These vast energy waves are reordering the energy fields that weave together space-time. As this reweaving goes forth, the galaxy manifests her beauty in the guise of brilliant colors and awe-inspiring shapes.
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