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Electromagnetic Health.org

Electromagnetic Health.org
Who are we?
  • We represent citizens concerned about the proliferation of wireless technologies and their impact on health.
  • We represent citizens who want our government to set exposure standards for electromagnetic radiation that are biologically based, instead of being based on long since invalidated thermal standards.
  • We represent the growing percentage of the population that has become electrically sensitive—people who are finding it increasingly difficult to cope in wireless environments. The benefits of modern life, including the ability to participate in society, and hold jobs in traditional office buildings, are increasingly not available to an estimated 3-8% of Americans today.
  • And, we represent the people who want rights of state and local governments to establish healthy environments in their communities returned—rights that were taken away in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which tied the hands of local governments, preventing them from resisting towers and antennas in their communities on health or environmental grounds—even when harm became clear.
Illness linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure include many cancers, neurological conditions, ADD, sleep disorders, depression, autism, cognitive problems, cardiovascular irregularities, hormone disruption, immune system disorders, metabolism changes, stress, fertility impairment, increased blood brain barrier permeability, mineral disruption, DNA damage and much, much more.
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