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The Fall And Rise Of The Divine Nexus

by Neil Kramer (The Cleaver)
Expressing an alternative view of reality was necessarily a secret pursuit until recent times. Only 227 years ago, in the apparently cultured and enlightened lands of Europe - Anna Göldi was executed for witchcraft in the village of Glarus, Switzerland. She was beheaded by the blade of a state-sanctioned executioner. This brutal killing represented the final chapter in a centuries long tale of deranged witch-hunts that beleaguered Europe for centuries.
Spiritual Heretics
The enduring veracity of truth has a habit of surviving even the most ruthless and systematic campaigns of repression and extermination. It can be good to remind oneself of this, especially when things look a little bleak.
The Many Sons Of God
In AD 325, at the Congress of Nicaea, Emperor Constantine gathered together a bunch of bishops to help consolidate Christianity as the official state religion of Rome. From this quasi-political assembly, Jesus was formally declared to be the Son of God. The new Mithra. The new Horus. Erasing the real Jesus and replacing him with an archetypal Solar God, thus doing away with the real liberating teachings of Jesus. This was not a profound theological battle, it was not a complex study of ancient mystical traditions - it was a colossal psyop.
Return Of The Shaman
Only the very dimmest of minds still believes that focusing one's energy on the inner journey and evolving one’s own consciousness is somehow a selfish activity. Only the catatonic ignoramus believes that expending mental resources on improving authentic unegoic spiritual growth is somehow terribly self-centred. Simply put, considering the self separate from the whole is a deep error. This heavily promoted Control System containment meme is coming to an end. It just doesn’t hold up anymore.
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